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My mind was slipping through my fingers before I could even turn around and hit the girl in the face to knock her out

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My mind was slipping through my fingers before I could even turn around and hit the girl in the face to knock her out. I was slowly losing control every time I tried to fight against it, black dots showing in my vision as I lost balance, my legs shaking underneath me, threatening to give way as they struggled to help me stay steady on my feet.

I stumbled around, attempting to grab onto something before I collapsed, which didn't happen, trying to hold onto the railing running along the wall next to me, my hand just slipping off it it as I couldn't tell my brain to grab onto it. She got into my mind, she's playing with it, and I didn't know how to stop her.

I fell to the floor with a thud before everything in my sight went black, no longer conscious in what was going on around me.


"Shh it's okay, it's okay" I whispered, my eyes closed as my body rocked back and forth in a soft and warm rocking chair, the motion soothing to me. I opened my eyes lightly, the semi dark room surrounding me, the only light behind the night light that was plugged into the outlet on the wall. I looked  down at the baby that lay in my arms, her eyes lightly falling shut under my soothing voice.

I stood up gently, walking over and placing the baby girl into the crib, covering her legs with a blanket that was draped over my shoulder. I placed my hands on the crib before leaning down to kiss her head gently, setting my hand on top of her head as I took in a whiff of her scent, the baby smell causing me to smile lightly. "I love you" I said with a bright smile as I ran my thumb over her head before walking out of the room, closing the door gently with a click on my way out.

I looked down, noticing my growing stomach underneath my tank top, putting my hands on it to feel a slight kick come from my growing child inside. "Hey, is he kicking?" I heard a familiar voice say, walking towards me, the floor boards beneath him creaking. I looked up at the source of the voice to see Bucky's blue eyes glazed with excitement as he walked towards me.

"Yeah he sure is" I replied with a wide smile, Bucky standing in front of me as he looked at me in glee. "Here" I said reaching and grabbing his hand, placing it on the side of my stomach to let him feel the baby kick, which it did once again, causing me to look up at him as he scoffed in disbelief. "Huh, he's a little kicker" Bucky replied, kissing my forehead lightly, wrapping his hands around my face and cupping my cheek.

My eyebrows furrowed for a split second, before the smile returned to my face. He wasn't winter soldier Bucky I now knew, he was the one I had met at the begging of the war, still having hope in his eyes.

"I love you" He whispered to me as he rested his forehead on mines, as I closed my eyes, our breath mingling in the small distance between our lips, my stomach being a small obstruction between us. "I love you too" I replied as our lips connected, his hand still holding my face as I melted into his touch and closing my eyes like I used to.

Next thing I knew I was lying in bed, words ringing throughout my head which caused the hairs on my arms to stand on edge. My hand went down to my stomach immediately to find it completely flat once again, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Longing, Rusted, Furnace, Daybreak, Seventeen, Benign, Nine, Homecoming, One, Freight Car" played over and over again in my head, sharp pains running all the way down my body, starting in my neck and ending in the tips of my toes, my whole body paralysed in pain.

I looked at the foot of the bed to see a figure dressed in all black. Long hair messily tossed on his head, his left shoulder hunched lower than his right one. And he's back, the Winter Soldier. He climbs onto the foot on the bed, leaning over the top of me, memories flooding back into my head as I focused on the light blue eyes that I loved so dearly.

I couldn't move, I tried but nothing was happening. My breathing hitches as his metal arm wraps around my neck, the mechanic sounds whirring as he pushing down causing my to sink into the soft mattress even more. "Buck" I said struggling, placing my hand on his metal wrist to attempted to get him to release his hand. I spluttered, used my other hand and struggling to hit him in the face.

I heaved one more time, every struggling breath I took his grip tightened. I stared straight into his blue eyes, which were now showing no emotion what so ever.

And before I knew it, I was dead.


(I loved writing this chapter so I hoped you loved reading it. I wrote this ages ago when Red Room was still unfinished but i've been saving it and the time has finally come!)
Please vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

 I wrote this ages ago when Red Room was still unfinished but i've been saving it and the time has finally come!) Please vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

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