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I walked down the hall towards Natasha's room in my pyjamas, my arms crossed as I tried to keep in the heat, the large floor to ceiling window at the end of the hall the only source of light, the bright lights of the night of New York dimly lighti...

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I walked down the hall towards Natasha's room in my pyjamas, my arms crossed as I tried to keep in the heat, the large floor to ceiling window at the end of the hall the only source of light, the bright lights of the night of New York dimly lighting the hall. I stood in front of Nat's door, knocking once before walking in, closing the door behind me.

"Do I need to fight you?" Natasha said groggily from her bed, clearly asleep before I barged in. I Looking at her alarm clock which read 4am in red numbers. "No, I don't think so" I replied as I walked over to her bed, managing to see the outline of objects to avoid walking into anything. "Good" she said to me as she moved over, lying on her back as I lifted the sheets, crawling into her bed and lying next to her on the other side of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

We didn't talk for a minute or two, both of us just staring at the roof, Natasha not trying to get back to sleep as our breathing synced. "Can I help?" Natasha asked me, causing me to let out a deep sigh, turning towards her, setting my head on my arm as I looked at Nat, who didn't turn to face be back. "I just" I started, stopping and opening my mouth, closing it again as I tried to think about what to say.

"I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you like we used to" I said as she took in that information, sighing as she turned to face me, copying my action as brown met green, the whole bed shaking before it settled again. "Have you heard from Clint in the last few days?" she asked me, her mouth in a straight line as her eyes were still tired. "Laura called me earlier, everything is okay with the baby" I told her as she sighed with relief, nodding her head.

"Clint will be back in a few days, he's been looking after the kids while Laura got some rest" I told her as we both stared at each other for a moment, neither of us talking. "How are your legs?" she asked me as I rolled my eyes softly. "Fine, everyone keeps asking me. I'm walking and kicking again that's all that matters" I replied as she laughed lightly, moving her head down.

"I'm scared Steve is going to tell me something" I said to her, which caused her to look at me once again, this time Nat rolling her eyes at me. "It's been a long time coming" Natasha said with a scoff as she pushed one of her arms over the sheets, the bed creaking. "Shut up" I said to her as I sighed, closing my eyes tightly.

"Do you want him to say something?" she asked me as I opened my eyes again, looking over at her. "I don't know" I groaned as I flipped over onto my back, staring at the pitch black darkness around us once again. "Why not?" she asked me as I pulled my arms out, setting both of my hands on my forehead. "Because out there somewhere is the man I fell in love with 70 years ago, but problem is he probably doesn't remember me" I said as I let my arms fall down onto the bed.

"Plus it's Steve, he's my best friend and he always will be but I just don't know" I added, Natasha laughing lightly as she turned over into her back as well. "Why are you laughing?" I asked as I turned my head to her, seeing her smiling over at me. "I don't know" she said as she stopped laughing, running her tongue over her teeth as she continued to smile in the dark.

"I'm literally in conflict right now and you're laughing at me, I can't believe it" I said to her, my voice raised a little bit. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she said to me as I looked over at her, her eyes softer as she stopped laughing, looking at me seriously. Sometimes it worried me how fast her emotions could change, but right now that wasn't the first thing on my mind. "Ally, you're allowed to love more than one person in your life" she told me as I lowered my arms back onto the bed, not saying anything as I took in what she just said.

"I don't know what to do" I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut, which caused Natasha to sigh deeply, sitting up and looking at me, which caused me to open one eye, sensing she was staring. "What?" I asked her, opening both eyes as she ran her hand through her fiery hair.

"Just go with your gut"


A/N: I absolutely love writing the bonding chapters between Ally and other characters because there's no script I have to stick to and I can just write what I want which I love doing
I'm coming back in a matter of seconds so i'll see you then lol

A/N: I absolutely love writing the bonding chapters between Ally and other characters because there's no script I have to stick to and I can just write what I want which I love doing I'm coming back in a matter of seconds so i'll see you then lol

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