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I stood at the mirror in my new room in the new compound, pulling my hair up into a ponytail as I pulled the band from around my wrist to around my hair

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I stood at the mirror in my new room in the new compound, pulling my hair up into a ponytail as I pulled the band from around my wrist to around my hair. My eyes caught the reflections of pictures which were on the wall above my bed, one of Clint's family surrounding me as I sat on the couch, one of Steve and I at a charity dinner we had attended together, myself adorning a long dress and Steve in a tux as we smiled at the camera. The last one being a picture of the whole team which had been taken by some paparazzo, all of us piled into a pizza shop in New York at some ridiculous time at night, Tony saying something funny as we all laughed.

I smiled to myself as I turned around, running my hands over my mission suit as I turned towards the TV letting out a deep breath. "FRIDAY, call Laura Barton" I said as the screen lit up, the icon of Laura on the screen as it rang, the sound of a baby crying filling the room before the picture did, Laura sitting in her bed with her hair up messily, a small baby in her arms as she smiled at me.

"Hello" I said as I stood, watching the TV as she rocked Nathaniel in her arms, soothing him. "Why are you in your suit?" she asked me as she removed the spit up towel from her shoulder, positioning her laptop to a bette spot. "There's a meeting, I just thought I'd give you two a call" I told her as she smiled, looking down at her new born son. "Well, we are both doing great" she said to me as I laughed, seeing the bags under her eyes, knowing that it wasn't easy. "Clint is on night time duty, so I've been sleeping okay" She told me as I smirked at her, Laura looking at the computer screen once again. "Well if he moans just tell him it not very Avenger like" I told her as she laughed lightly, not wanting to scare the calm baby. "How are Cooper and Lila reacting?" I asked her as she laughed, shaking her head.

"Lila is finding it hard that she isn't the youngest anymore" Laura told me as I laughed, shaking my head as I looked back at her. "I think we all could have seen that coming" I told her as I looked at the clock on the wall, smiling back at Laura. "I should probably get going, I love you all, kiss the kids for me" I told her as she nodded, using the babies hand to wave at me as she hung up, leaving a smile on my face as I left my room, the door closing behind me as the light on the keypad turned red instead of green.

I made my way down the hall, my boots clicking against the floor as I left the living quarters, Natasha waiting in the hall in her own black mission suit, looking down at her phone. "Thanks for waiting" I said jokingly as I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her as I made kissing noises, earning a hard shove from Nat, a laugh escaping my lips as she smoothed out her hair. "I wasn't waiting on you, Laura just send me a video of the baby" she told me as she held up her phone, causing me to nod my head.

"He's cute, don't you think?" I asked her as she pushed her phone into the top knife pocket of her suit, the slit the perfect size for it. "He's fat" she replied simply as there were 2 voices, both of us turning around to see Tony and Steve make their way towards us, Tony is a suit as Steve stood in his red, white and blue uniform. "Hey, we don't call Steve fat to his face, only behind his back" Tony joked as Steve looked confused, putting his hands on his hips as I laughed at the joke.

"Is that Thor gone?" I asked as Tony nodded his head, pushing his hands into his pockets as Steve smiled over at me which I returned. "We get you two are like shacking up now, but not in public please" Tony said as he rolled his eyes, looking down at his watch as he let out a breath. "I need to get going, I told Pepper we could go get lunch" he said as we all nodded our heads, saying goodbye as he left the way he came, leaving the three of us in the hall. "Anything on Bruce?" I asked Nat as she shook her head, crossing her arms as I set my hands on my hips.

"The jet is still in stealth mode, Fury think he found a tracker signal out near Fiji but it's at the bottom of the ocean" she told me as I let out a sad breath, rocking back on my feet as she shook her head, looking out the window. "I'm not holding my breath" she added as she rubbed her arm with her hand, shaking her head as she looked back over at us once again. "Don't we have a new team to be breaking in?" she asked as she dropped her hands by her side, shrugging as we both looked over at Steve.

"I wouldn't call it a breaking in, they are quite capable" he said as he turned around, leading us towards the large training room which we had arranged for the new team to meet in, Natasha and I on either side of Steve as we walked through the glass walkway, people down below moving boxes into their new labs and offices, the facilities here much better than what they were at the tower, the whole team deciding we needed somewhere bigger.

"You ready?" he asked me as we stood outside the large double doors, a smile on my face as I looked over at Natasha who put her finger in her mouth, pretending to be sick behind Steve's back. "I'm always ready" I told him as he smiled at me, looking straight into my eyes as he scoffed lightly, shaking his head before looking down at his feet before looking back up at me. "I know what you're doing, Natasha" he said before turning around to look at the red head who was standing their innocently, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's not keep them waiting, Cap" she told him as he nodded his head, all of facing the doors, Natasha and I slightly behind Steve as he took in a deep breath, setting his hands on the door handles as he let it out, pulling the doors open as we all took a few steps in. Wanda landed on the ground, her red leather trench coat flowing around her legs as she smiled at us, Sam retracting his wings as Rhodey closed his helmet front, Vision landing next to him with his cape materialising.



A/N: happy new year's eve guys!
this will be the last update of 2019 which is very fitting considering it's the last scene of the movie
please have a nice safe new year's eve, and if you're somewhere where it's already 2020, hello from the past!

A/N: happy new year's eve guys! this will be the last update of 2019 which is very fitting considering it's the last scene of the movieplease have a nice safe new year's eve, and if you're somewhere where it's already 2020, hello from the past!

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