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I took a small step back out of intimidation from the conscienceless robots which faced us, my knuckles turning white from my grip on my weapon as Ultron's evil laugh filled the air, all the boys standing as still as statues as they waiting to com...

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I took a small step back out of intimidation from the conscienceless robots which faced us, my knuckles turning white from my grip on my weapon as Ultron's evil laugh filled the air, all the boys standing as still as statues as they waiting to come and fight us. "This is the best I can do" he shouted as I looked over at Clint who pulled an arrow from his quill, setting it in his bow in preparation.

"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" he asked us as Tony moved forward, standing next to Thor who hadn't stopped scowling at the big army since they showed up. "Well like the old man said. Together" Tony added as we all stood still, waiting for what could happen next. With a flick of his wrist Ultron signalled all the boys to start fighting us, all of them flying forward and making their way into the church, picking a target and beginning to fight.

Four came straight towards me as I moved up the few stairs to the small platform, kicking one away from my as I slipped a small disc out of the holster on my belt, throwing it at one as blue bolts of electricity went though it, sending it into overdrive. Another one came for me as Wanda send waves of red energy over at the other two, helping me out massively as I wedged my baton in between two pieces of metal, pulling it up as the robot fell to pieces, powering off.

"How are we supposed to beat all of these things?" I asked as I ducked, setting my hand on the flor as Steve's shield flew past my head, taking out a row of robots behind me. "Less talking more fighting" Tony said to me as I rolled my eyes, straightening my back as I caught the shield as it bounced back at me, using it to knock a robot into Tony's firing line as he took it down easily, barely even moving. "We need to get Ultron away, he's controlling them, they will follow him" Tony told us, realising how this whole operation was going down.

"Hulk?" Natasha asked as the large green tormentor looked at her, smiling before breaking through the wall, bricks falling as he ran over to Ultron, barging into him as he flew miles away, all the robots turning to see it, flying away from us as they all followed him. "They will try to leave the city" Thor said as he pointed at them, his breathing heavy as he turned towards Tony. "Rhodey, can you make sure they stay?" Tony said through his suit as we all heard it, waiting for a reply on keeping everyone safe. "I'm on it" he said as I looked towards Steve who clicked his shield onto his back, turning around and looking at the fallen city.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats" he said as he pouted at Clint, Natasha and Pietro, Clint looking back at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What about the core?" he asked as he pulled his bow over his head, Wanda taking a step forward. "I'll protect it, it's my job" she said as Steve nodded his head in conformation, looking over at me as I let out a breath. "Steve and I will sweep for stragglers, we will be right behind you on those boats" I said as I nodded my head at Clint and Natasha who looked at each other before making their way out of the church.

"I'm not going to leave you here" Pietro said to Wanda as there was a screeching noise behind us, robots making their way towards us as she saw them, sending her red hue through them and pulling them apart from a distance. "I can handle this, come back for me when everyone is safe, don't even think about coming before that" she told him as he nodded his head, getting ready to run away. "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you" he added as she smiled at her brother, my eyes lingering on this conversation.

"Go" she told him as he sped away, Steve taping me on the shoulder as he jerked his head in the opposite direction, causing him to nod my head at him as we started jogging away from all the chaos which was sure to unfold.


"If you are here please come out, we can get you to a safe place" I shouted as Steve helped people get strapped into their seats on the safety jet, my hands cupped around my mouth to make my voice louder as we were tucked into a quiet corner of the town, the sounds of explosions and screams coming from far away.

"I think that's everyone" Steve told me as he jumped off, looking around as he stood in front of me, nodding towards the boat. "Hop on" he told me as he nodded at the ship, my eyebrows furrowing. "You get on first" I told him as he looses down at me confused. "I need to go help Tony and Thor" he told me as there was a loud noise from over head, causing us both to look up as a jet flew over head, the guns on the bottom of the ship turning towards us and firing, the blasts hitting the floor as it tore through the concrete, a building collapsing in the clearing we were in.

There was a sea of bots following it, firing as much as they could not particularly at anything. "Get on the boat" Steve shouted at me as everyone on the ship was screaming, a few bots landing on top of a building as they saw we were here. "Not until you do" I shouted back at him, trying to be heard through all of the noise. "Steve, I'm not getting on until you do" I shouted back at him as the boys started firing at us, missing and hitting the bottom of the safety boat, the metal repelling it straight back at them, everyone panicking.

Steve looked at me frantically as he took a step towards me quickly, wrapping his hand around my cheek and pushing his lips into mine gently, the chaos around us shrinking for just a moment. I held my breath for a moment as I melted into his touch, not pulling away as my free hand found its way into his hair, pushing him closer to me before he pulled away, resting his forehead on mines as both of our breathing was heavy from that excruciatingly confusing moment.

We were pulled out of our trance as a blast hit right next to us, throwing us both into the side of the boat, Steve's shield hitting against it with a loud thud, a groan escaping my lips as I pushed my hair out of my eyes so I could see, the two robots advancing towards us, Steve turning towards me with pleading eyes.

"Get on the boat"


i've been debating writing a kiss for SO LONG but i've finally bitten the bullet and actually done it and to all the people out there who have not been rooting for Steve and Ally IM SORRY, but please KEEP READING because I have no idea who she will end up with in the end

A/N: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHi've been debating writing a kiss for SO LONG but i've finally bitten the bullet and actually done it and to all the people out there who have not been rooting for Steve and Ally IM SORRY, but please KEEP READING b...

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