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I walked across Brooklyn Bridge with a pair of sunglasses sitting on my face, Steve by my side in a tan trench coat as I had my hands in my long plaid coat pockets, the soft summer breeze blowing through my hair

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I walked across Brooklyn Bridge with a pair of sunglasses sitting on my face, Steve by my side in a tan trench coat as I had my hands in my long plaid coat pockets, the soft summer breeze blowing through my hair. There was a lot of people walking in both directions, mostly tourists as they stopped to take pictures with the famous New York skyline in the background, smiles on their faces.

"I cannot believe you've never walked across the bridge before" Steve said to me as he walked next to me, smiling at someone who was staring at the two of us, trying hard not to life their phones and take a picture while we were looking out of embarrassment. "I've never had the time, plus I never actually lived in New York before all of this" I said to him with a smile as he stopped walking, finding a gap in between people at the edge as he stood there, looking at the water beneath us.

"Not all of us got to grow up in Brooklyn" I said to him as I turned around, looking at the other bit of the river as Steve laughed, putting his hands in the rail as I leaned against it next to him. "I barely got to walk over it, my mon used to joke that the wind would blow me away" he told me with a laugh as I smiled over at him, pushing my sunglasses into the top of my head, holding back my hair as well. "Would you go back? Live out your life how you were supposed to?" I asked him as he looked over at me, shrugging his shoulders.

"I mean, it's much easier to breath now" he said as I laughed, the sun poking out from behind a cloud as it gleamed on the water. "You still have an inhaler in your nightstand, don't think I've never noticed" I told him as I nudged his arm with my elbow, the tall blond letting out a sigh as he bowed his head a little. "I don't know, it might come back" he said with a shrug as I turned around, moving closer to him as our shoulders touched, nudging him once again.

"Let's hope it doesn't because you can't be stopping to breath every 5 minutes" I told him as he laughed, the breeze blowing past us as I looked at the cars which moved slowly down the middle of the bridge. "We should go get a coffee" I said as I looked up at the sky, moving away from the edge as I held my hand out, Steve taking it in his as we started walking down the bridge once again. I looked to my left as I saw a little boy standing, leaning against the side as his parents took pictures of the city, the boy looking bored as he crossed his arm, his shirt having a very familiar shield pattern on his shirt.

"Look" I said quietly as I nodded over at the boy who had yet to have noticed us walking past him, staring at his feet instead. "I want to know who's making them, I should probably trademark the shield" he said as I shrugged my shoulders, looking ahead of me once again as we dodged people moving in the opposite direction. "It's not me but i'm really disappointed I didn't come up with the idea" I told him as he rolled his eyes at me.


I held the tray with two coffees and two muffins sitting on it, balancing it as a i made my way back to the table that Steve was sitting at, looking down at it his phone as I set the tray on the table, causing him to slip it into his pocket as I sat down across from him. "Checking in with the compound?" I asked him as I pulled my coat off, setting in on the back of the chair I was sitting in as I looked over at him to see him nodding.

"Making sure the place isn't on fire" He told me as he picked up his coffee, taking a sip of it as I shook my head at him. "You know, they aren't kids, most of them anyway" I corrected myself, thinking about Wanda, who was still pretty young compared to the rest of them. "There are also other more responsible people in the building" I added as he nodded his head, closing his eyes for a minute before opening them again, clearly finding the whole new team thing a bit difficult.

"Make a Wish contacted Happy the other day, I forgot to tell you guys" I told Steve as I took a drink of my coffee, setting it back on the table as I looked around quickly, the rustic Brooklyn coffee shop quite busy with customers as we sat by the window, the sun shining inside. "Saying what?" Steve asked me as I picked up my muffin, ripping a piece off of it as I shoved it into my mouth, holding my finger up as I swallowed it without chewing too much, making me cough.

"There's a kid in the Morgan Stanley, I think he has Lukemia, his wish was to meet the team" I told him as he leaned back, nodding his head as I raised my eyebrows at him. "We could go, get Tony and Nat to come too" I told him as he nodded his head, picking up his mug and taking a drink, looking over at me. "Yeah, seems harmless" he told me as I set my phone on the table, the feeling of it in my pocket rather uncomfortable.

"I'm going to head out to Iowa in the next few days, go see Laura and the new baby" I told him as he nodded his head, scratching his cheek as I leaned back in my seat, holding the cold plastic coffee cup as I placed my elbow on the arm rest. "I'll come too, I never got to thank Laura for letting us stay" he told me as I took a sip of my coffee, biting on the end of the straw in the process. "Always the gentleman, are you going to buy her a gift too?" I asked him sarcastically as I tilted my head to the side, a smirk on my face.

"I know you were joking but that seems like a good idea" He said to me as he clicked his fingers, pointing at me as I laughed at him. "She likes chocolates, and while you're at it, so do I" I told him as he nodded his head, hopefully taking a mental note of that.


A/N: hello hello hello
I hope y'all had a nice safe new year, here's another chapter for you and it's a cute little date chapter so you're welcome
please vote and comment and i'll see you tomorrow

A/N: hello hello hello I hope y'all had a nice safe new year, here's another chapter for you and it's a cute little date chapter so you're welcomeplease vote and comment and i'll see you tomorrow

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