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I was in court today. Thinking back to it I still get chills. When Andre walked in the room my breath hitched and I had such a hard time speaking. He looked at me and stared right into my soul. His eyes were evil. They had this look that showed no emotion or remorse. He didn't regret anything and once in a while you could see him smirk, as if he was proud of his actions. Of course he got sentenced to jail. 20 years. TWENTY YEARS! Do you know how much that is?! From time to time I could feel Nick squeeze my shoulder from behind me, reassuring me everything's going to be alright. But the worst part was when the police dragged him out of the courtroom and the last thing he yelled was.

"20 years in jail only gives me more time to plan all the different ways I can kill you slowly!"
I got goosebumps all over my body. And I don't think that sentence will ever leave my memory.

Me and nick got in the car. While he was driving I could see his jaw clenching. Which often meant he either tried to seduce me or he was really mad. And I'm pretty sure he's mad if you ask me, but at the same time, you never know with Nick.
"I swear Imma' kill him when he gets outa jail."
He says.

"You not killing anybody."
Out of nowhere he pulled over on the side of the road.

"Listen to me Chantel. Ain't no motherfucker that messes with my girl. I don't give a shit who the fuck they are, what the fuck they've done, but I'm not letting anybody mess with you and get away with it. Babe, I saw him strangle you and I've never been that mad in my life. I was ready to kill and get killed for you. So you best believe he's gonna regret all of this."
I turned fully towards him. My hand reaches his chin as I pull him in closer and kiss him.

"I love you so so much Nick. And you know I would do the same for you. No words can describe how thankful I am to have you and how thankful I am that you saved me that day. I wouldn't be living today if it wasn't for you."
I say. He smiles.
"But what the fuck are you little midget bitch gonna' do to him."
I joke, he rolls his eyes.

"At least I managed to stab him. How the fuck you gonna' take a knife and let him beat you?"

"Oh you think it's that easy don't you? If it wasn't for me, he would've strangled you too!"

"Pftt, you think I'm that dumb?"

"Well with that big as shark head of yours, you should be smarter."
I say laughing. He chuckles.

"Don't let me start on your big forehead looking ass. Fucking all forehead no face looking ass."
He really gonna talk about my forehead.

"Oh you wanna' go there. Grandpa shark looking ass. Fucking small ass, midget looking ass. Fucking tryina' act black looking ass. Small feet, small shrimp dick looking ass."
I say. He wasn't prepared for allat and honestly neither was I. It just came out of my mouth.

"giiiiirl Stop playin! You know I got this BDE!"


"Is that why you were screaming my name so loud last time this "small shrimp dick" was in you?"
He asked fully serious, making air quotations with his fingers. I chuckled.
"Is that why you were all up in my ear like. "Fuck Nick don't stop I'm gonna cum!" And shit"
He says trying to mock me. I started giggling.
"Yeaaahh, you know I'm right."
He smirks, leaning over to me and kissing me all over my face.

"Okay! How long are so gonna' sit here, can you start driving??"
He starts laughing and finally he starts the car. We get to his house we're everybody, including Maggie, Izzy and Cindy, sat witing for Nick and I. We opened the door and their heads immediately turned towards us.

"Hi guys. What happened?"
Edwin asks.

"20 years."
Is all I say.

"20 year in jail?!"
Maggie asks surprised.
"I mean that's good and all, but damn that's a long ass time."
I nod, agreeing with her statement.

"If I was the judge I would give him life time. Fucking bitch."
Nick says from behind me.

"Listen, what's important is that he's in jail. He can't come close to you. Shit gon be calm and everything is good now."
Zion says. And he was right. We had nothing to worry about, but still all the memories are stuck with me. I put my hand on my forehead and sigh.

"This is just so surreal."
Nick hugged me from behind.

"I think you need some rest babe."
He says.

"I think so too. Good night peeps."
I say yawning.

"Good night."
They all say. Nick turned around.

He says indicating for me to jump up on his back. I do as told and he carries me up to my room. He placed me down on the bed and laid next to me. His arms found their way around my waist and pulled me close to his chest and it didn't take long before I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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