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Nick's POV
I've been looking for Angelo and her everywhere, every freaking where. I decided to go back home quickly and see if they were back.

I drive into our driveway and already see a car parked, isn't that Simóns car?

I hear him scream while banging on the door.


"Nick, thank god you're here, you need to come with me quick."
He says jogging to his car. I just looked at him in confusion while slowly walking to his car as well.
"Nick, hurry up. Chantel and Angelo are in danger."
Once he said that I quickly got in the car.

"What's going on? Where are they?
He drives really fast without saying anything.
"Simón, answer me! Where are they?"

"You have to wait and see Nick."
With that I just stayed quiet. We drove into a really sketchy street. The houses were either in really bad condition or totally abandoned. Once Simón parked he reached to the side of his seat and gave me a gun.
"Take this Nick and put it in your back pocket."
I took it without asking any questions. We both got out of the car and walked over to a small building.

"What is this it looks awful."

"It's and abandoned police station."
It looked scary almost haunted. We kept walking into to the building and immediately I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Simón I need answers what are we doing here and where are Angelo and Chantel?"

"Nick, I'm trying to help you alright, I understand this is confusing but you have to trust me."
We walked past some prison cells until we came to a little office. There were fliers of missing people on the floor. Simón takes out something that looks like a map.
"Come over here."
He says and I stand next to him.
"We are right here."
He points at where we are on the map.
"Chantel is over there, in the isolated cell. I don't know if she's with Angelo or not right now, but the woman who kidnapped them  has either locked them both in or took Angelo from her."
My eyes widen at his words.

"What the hell? She can't just take my baby. Who is she?"

"She's some girl called Alex, Alexys or something like that."

"Alexys? Fuck."

"You know her?"

"It's my ex, she hates Chantel."

"Explains a lot. Here's the bigger problem. She hired security guards to watch the isolation cell, which means, Chantel has no way of getting out and we have no way of getting in."
He says.

"Well, well, well, look who's here."
I hear Alexys say from behind me.

I immediately turned around at the sound of my son. I see Angelo in Alexys embrace.

I say running to him before getting pushed away by a body guard.
"Let my son go Alexys."

"Oh baby, you wish it was this easy don't you?"
She says coming up to me and petting my cheek. I see Angelo reaching for me before Alexys slaps his arms down. My blood was boiling nobody touched my kid like that.

"Don't touch Angelo, let him go!"
I yell, trying to run up to her again. Once again the body guard pushed me away.

"What is it you want from me?"

"I just want to have a family with you again."

"Again? We barley had a family. We had a kid, I loved Luna she was my daughter. But you and I were nothing, there was no real love, we just had to do our best for our daughter."

"Nick, I loved you, I still love you!"
She said in a loud tone which made Angelo cry.

"Can you give me my baby back?"
I ask. Alexys hands Angelo over to her guard who walks out of the room with him.

"Yo where the fuck you going?"
I ask walking after them, then Alexys closes door in front of my face not letting me walk after them.

"You are not going anywhere before you tell me you'll break up with Chantel and stay with me."

"Alexys that will absolutely never happen, I am gonna find a way to get my family back wether you like it or not."

"Don't you understand Nick, I love you, I always have. Why can't you love me back?"
She asks caressing my face. I look at her in a stone cold expression.

"You don't love him."
Simón says, who I almost forgot was still in the room with us.

"Who the fuck are you to speak on this?"

"If you loved him you would've let him go by now. A person who loves someone else doesn't care what benefits them as long as the other person is happy. Nick will never love you like he loves Chantel and that's just what you'll have to accept."
Simón say. I see Alexys facial expressions change. She went from furious to disappointed.

"You really love her huh?"

"Yes, yes I do Alexys."
He arms fall to the side of her body as she gives  up.
"Come with me."

"I want my son back first."
She sighs as she walks out the door waiting for us to come after her. We all walk out of the office as she takes Angelo from the guard who was with Angelo outside of the building.

"Come here dadas baby."
I say. Angelo giggles.
"Simón, I need you to take Angelo to the car and lock the doors. Be ready to drive off if necessary."

"Will do."
He says.

"Thank you."
Then I hand Angelo over. Alexys started walking through another hall where all you could see were doors, that led to who knows where. All I could see now where 5 guards standing in front of this big metal door. Alexys snaps at the guards.

"You guys can go now. Thank you for your help."
She says. They all nod at her and walk away.

"Where did you find all of these guards?"

"Don't you worry."
She says getting out the keys to unlock the door.
"Here's your girl."
She says and once the door opened my eyes widened in shock.

I've got you<3                                                       |nick mara|Where stories live. Discover now