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Today was the day. Nick and I's wedding day! Catherine, Cindy, Alissa and Maggie were my bride maids. The girls who have been through a lot with me. Alessandro, my uncle was going to walk me down the isle since I don't have my father. Honestly Gina and Alessandro have become like my parents, they often take care of Angelo if it's needed and they've helped me whenever they could. I was finally all ready, standing in my wedding gown, veil and the perfect make up and hair do.

Catherine looked at me and hugged me. I saw tears forming in her eyes.
"I'm so happy for you guys."
She says. I hug her back and start fanning my eyes with my hands so that I wouldn't start crying.

"Thank you so much Cat."
I say.
"I want to thank all of you for being there for me through everything, you guys always help me when it's needed."
I add and hug all of them.

"It's time."
Gina says as she opens the door. I look at Alessandro who was waiting for me with a smile on his face.
"So first the brides mates and best men."
She says. They walked out and stood on each side of the altar. Since Nick and I haven't been saints, I though it would be better to have our wedding outside instead of in a church.

After about 3 minutes, I hooked my arm with Alessandro and we were now on our way to walk down the aisle.

Nick's POV
I stand by the altar waiting for her to come out and then the music starts. There she was, the absolute most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and she is mine, all mine. My eyes started watering and the closer she got the closer I was to crying. I wiped my tears away as she smiled at me.  The wedding dress was beautiful and the whole scenery was magical. She now stood in front of me and her hands were in mine. Our eyes met and I saw her eyes getting glossier as well. The officiant started the speech.

"Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Nicholas and Chantel in marriage..."
He kept on with his beautiful speech. Now it was time for Chantel and I to say our vows. I started.

Chantel's POV
I saw him as I was walking down the isle and he was crying, he is the absolute cutest. He was now about to start saying his vows and I already know I'm gonna cry so much.

"About 4 years ago, was the first time I laid my eyes on you. Love was something so unknown to me and something I thought I'd never find. But you changed that aspect of my life, you showed me what it meant to be in love, and to love somebody more than yourself. I will forever cherish you and respect you for who you are and what you do. Our ups and downs have molded us into the strong couple that we are today and I would never change that. Thank you for always standing by my side and being so loyal to me. We always say 'As long as you've got me, I've got you.' But I've realized that it doesn't matter if you've got me or not because I will forever have your back, no matter what."
He took a little pause as I could notice he started to get more emotional. I was crying and so where other people in the "crowd".
"Today, I promise Chantel, that I will show you, as well as Angelo, the same love for the rest of our lives. And it's easy to say that you love somebody when everything is okay, but I promise to love you just as much and show the same care and consideration when things are difficult and our love becomes more comfortable. I promise to love you on all the good days and on all the bad days, and I will always be there when you need me. Chantel, I am all yours, you have my heart and you're the only one it will ever belong to. Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world."

He wipes his tears as they were already falling and so was I. I heard sniffles from behind Nick as the guys were all either crying or really close to it. My brides mates were waving theirs hands in front of their face trying to dry their tears. Now I took a deep breath before folding up my paper with vows.

"Wow, I'm very emotional now."
I says chuckling as everybody else gave out a little giggle.
"Well, where do I start. I remember the first night I saw you at the party. The second I locked eyes with I knew there was something special about you, and I was very right. Everyday I'm so thankful to be able to wake up next to you, see your pretty smile and just be able to share the same energy as you. You make any gloomy day seem bright and you always manage to make me happy. I love you so much and even though we've been through a lot and things haven't always been easy, we always worked through it all and it made us so much stronger. Thank you for being the absolute best father to our child, fiancé and soon to be husband in the world. Nick, I promise to never take you for granted. I will forever respect you and everything you do for your family. In any situation easy or hard I will be there for you and help you be the best you can be. I promise I will stay loyal to you no matter what. As long as you've got me, I've got you."
I was crying, he was crying. There were happy tears everywhere. My hands reached Nicks cheeks as I wiped his tears away and he kissed the palm of my hand.

"And now, Nicholas, do you take Chantel to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her forevermore?"
He looks at me and without hesitation he says:

"I do."
He was smiling so much and I was extremely happy.

"And Chantel, do you take Nicholas to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?"

"I do."
I say. We looked at each other with big grins as we couldn't believe that after today we could officially call each other husband and wife.

"May I have the rings please?"
The officiant says. Angelo was our ring bearer and we watched as his cute self walked up to us with rings on a little cushion.
"Thank you very much, kind sir."
The officiant jokes a little. Angelo smiles as he hugs Nick's leg before running back to Gina. All of the guests 'awed' at his actions.
"Nicholas and Chantel will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. Rings are a precious metal; they are also made precious by you wearing them. Your wedding rings are special; they enhance who you are. They mark the beginning of your long journey together. Your wedding ring is a circle, a symbol of love never ending. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end. Nicholas please place the ring on Chantel's left finger and repeat after me..."
He put the ring on me with a shaky hand and repeated the officiant's vows.
"And Chantel, please place the ring on Nicholas left finger and repeat after me..."
I did the same.
"By the power of your love and commitment, and the power invested in me, Nicholas Carter Mara and Chantel Gambino, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss each other!"
His hands quickly wrapped around my jaw and my hands found their way around his torso as our lips met and it was the most magical kiss ever. Everyone was clapping. Once the kiss broke we just looked at each other with tears in our eyes. Finally we were married the day was here and I could not be any happier.

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