408 17 11

2 years later
Angelo was playing with his new friend from kindergarten, Valentina was at Cindy and Zions place, playing with Bella. Nick was getting ready to go make some music with Brandon. Edwin and Alissa were dating again and Lorenzo moved out a year and a half ago. Life was still great, we were all so happy and I was even starting to DJ a little again, I missed it so much. I was so greatful for everything that has happened, that my life turned out like it did and that my life went from a living hell to heaven on earth.
"Okay baby, Imma go now. Take care."

"Alright, tell Brandon to ask Maggie if she can make some more of those chocolate chip cookies!"

"Sure thing. I love you babe."

"I love you more Nick."
I say and kiss him. I don't know why but I felt like I just wanted to keep him at home and kiss him all over. I kissed him two more times
"I'm sorry I'll just miss you."

"Don't be sorry my love. I adore your kisses."
He says and gives me a deep kiss.
"See you tonight."
He says and closes the door.

I sat in the kitchen, not really knowing what to do now. So I started cleaning. Teddy was following me everywhere.


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590 881 likes

@chantelmara dang I haven't DJ'd since Angelo was born, so this was hell of a blast. Thank you LA for having me and making it so fun! Ceejay the deejay made a comeback!❤️😘
418 327 comments
@therealnickmara I'm super proud of you mamas! If I didn't know you, I'd never be able to tell you're a mama of 2. The most amazing moma and wife ever!😘

@catherinepaiz You've been working so much as an influencer now that I almost forgot how awesome of a DJ you are. Love you my twin flame, no one out there like you!❤️❤️

@zionkuwonu Yes C! Get that bag! Not even callin when I say you one of the best!❤️

@wolfiecindy You got some power! When is the new music coming out?❤️❤️

@alissaviolet Yes girl! You're so amazing!😘

@edwinhonoret yuuuh, get into it! 😗✌🏽


Angelo wanted to stay at Zions place as well so we decided to let him and Valentina stay the night. I was excited for Nick to come home, we were gonna be all to ourselves. But time was ticking and he wasn't returning. I called him multiple times, no answer. I texted him, still nothing. It was getting late and I was getting very worried.


Hi B, are you with

Hi Chantel! No I just got
home, he stayed a little
longer at the studio but he
should be home by now.

Yeah, he hasn't gotten home
yet. Oh well, I'm guessing
he'll come home soon. Thanks

No worries C, I'll tell you
if I hear from him.

Thank you Brandon!❤️



Suddenly I get a call.


"Hi, is it Chantel I'm speaking to?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"We are calling from the hospital. Your husband Nicholas Mara got shot and we are afraid he's not gonna make it."
My breath hitched. They can not be serious. This has to be a joke.
"Ma'am are you there?"

"When did he get shot? why did he get shot? where? Who shot him? Please tell me this is a joke!"
I say while running around the house trying to find my shoes and coat.

"All of the questions will be answered when you get here."
She says, without any explanation. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. Teddy noticed how stressed I was and he as well got very speeded.
"Mama will come home soon. Okay big boy? Everything is okay, you're a good boy!"
I say calming him down. He licks my face and I get up rushing to the hospital. I got there and asked for Nicholas Mara. The nurses looked at each other a little sad and told me to wait outside the room. The doctor walks out shaking hands with me.

"Hello mrs Mara, I'm Dr Gray. We need to talk privately."
He says taking me to a secluded room.
"We got a call 11:08 from someone telling us your husband got shot. We rushed to the scene, found him close to a studio, he got shot twice in the stomach and once in the leg. We do not know who it was and we do not know why he got shot. We tried everything we could but unfortunately he didn't make it."
My heart stopped. There was no way. There was no way in freaking hell. I immediately started crying. He put his hand on my back, but all I could do was scream out.
"I'm really sorry."
He says not knowing what to do at this point.

"Please tell me I'm sleeping!"
I cry out. He looked at me with sad eyes.
"Can I see him one last time?"
He nodded and told me to follow him. My legs were shaking. He opened the door and all I saw was him with a cloth over him. I rushed over to him and immediately fell to my knees. My hand found his and he was cold. You could feel he had no life in him. I kissed his hand.
"Please baby wake up. Please my honey come back to me, I'm right here waiting for you, please come back to me."
I say through my tears.
"Don't leave me!"
I yell. The nurses were patting my back and helping me stand back up.

"Ma'am I think it's best for you to say your goodbyes."

"I don't want to!"
The nurse looks at me and wiped my tears.

"I don't want to come of as rude, I'm really sorry but he won't wake up."
I start crying even more knowing she was right. I don't want to acknowledge it. How am I gonna tell Angelo and Valentina, they are gonna be broken and what about the guys!? They will be crushed, it's their best friend. And the fans? What's prettymuch without Nick Mara? But most importantly what's his mom without her son. Two sons passing away like that. How am I gonna break this to her?

I've got you<3                                                       |nick mara|Where stories live. Discover now