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6 Months later

Angelo was now 13 months old. He's slowly starting to walk and has an easier time understanding Nick and I. Unfortunately we don't have as much time with Nick anymore. He's always out working in the studio, doing interviews and going on concerts. It's been really annoying because we were supposed to plan our wedding now that Angelo is getting bigger. Angelo doesn't get to see Nick as much and I'm afraid Nick will miss all the special milestones. He even came late to Angelo's first birthday last month. The most frustrating part is that all the other guys aren't even spending that much time in the studio. Of course I'm not saying he's cheating, he would never, he just doesn't spend any time with us anymore. I miss him.

Other than that Catherine is having another baby and I'm really happy for her. We have been getting a little distant though, mostly because she has a lot of YouTube stuff to do. They have 10 million subscribers now and have to come up with new ways to entertain. I'm very proud of them they are getting very far.

I was laying with Angelo on the sofa waiting for him to fall asleep while we were waiting for Nick to come home but it took him to long so we went up to the bedroom. I gave him some milk and rocked him back and forward until he finally fell asleep. Then I heard the door open downstairs. I walk downstairs to see Nick trying to sneak in. Then he saw me and smiles.
"Where have you been Nick?"
I ask.

"Where I always am, the studio."

"I need to talk to you."
I say and sit down by the kitchen table waiting for him to sit down next to me.

"Whats up?"
He says and sits down.

"Why are you staying in the studio so late? You barley spend any time with Angelo and I."

"Oh please Chantel don't start again."
He says standin up from his chair again.

"Nick Stop running away from your problems."
He turned to me and he was looking mad.

"What do you expect from me, I'm an singer in a boyband. All I'm trying to do is put a roof over your head and food on the table."
He says a bit mor aggressively.

"I know your a singer I understand that and I signed up for this. But I don't feel like you're doing this for us anymore, you're doing this for yourself."

"For myself? What are you taking about look at everything you have. I'm just making sure we have everything we need!"

"But Nick we already have enough!"
I say as I feel tears forming.
"I'm not with you for the materialistic stuff because I already had everything when I got you, I got blessed with more than I deserved when we got Angelo. Do you not feel the same?"

"Of course I do, but I want to make sure we're all set and good."

"But you're not sure because you're never here. I barley see you anymore, all you do is work, you're never with me when I need you. All of these things you buy will never replace you."

"Chantel, I'm in a boyband how many times do I have to explain that to you. I'm not in the mood to discuss this, you're not even trying to understand me!"

"I'm not? How come the rest of the guys always make out at least two days a week to spend with their girlfriends? How come they have time and you don't."
He just rolls his eyes and turns around walking towards the stairs.
"And what about Angelo? You're not here for him. You told me you're never gonna be like your father, you're never gonna leave him you said. But you almost missed your sons first birthday!"
That's when Nick froze. At this point I think he just doesn't want to be on the wrong. He turned around and he looked really hurt. I felt a little bit bad for saying that, but it was true. He walked up to me, really really close. And honestly it's the closest he's been to me in days.

"Don't you ever compare me to my father again! Do you understand!"
He yelled. I got startled maybe even scared in a sense, he's never screamed at me like thatz Suddenly I hear Angelo crying. I looked Nick up and down in disgust and just walked up to Angelo's crib.

I picked Angelo up and started crying with him.
"It's okay mamas, I love you. We got this."
I say and hush him while rocking him back and forward.
"Mama loves you, you know that right?"
I ask. Angelo smiles and nods before giving me a hug, which made me cry even more. I sit down on a little chair holding Angelo until he fell asleep, then I put him back in the crib. I walked back to our bedroom and laid on the bed as far from Nick as possible. It hurt me because it feels like he just doesn't care. It's not like it used to be, the old Nick would ask me if I'm okay or he would say he's sorry, but he just doesn't care anymore.

I've got you<3                                                       |nick mara|Where stories live. Discover now