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Nick's POV
"It's okay we couldn't do anything about it, it surprised us."
I say comforting Chantel while she was crying because of her hormones.

"I know."
She cries. Zion walks down stairs and sees us.

"Y'all good? Why you crying C?"
He asks walking towards us.

"We we're driving an-and then out of nowhere thi-this squirrel ran in front of our car and we hit it."
She says as tears were running down her face.

"Bruh, calm down."
Zion says. Chantel gives him a death glare and he quickly put his arms up in surrender.
"Don't hurt me, I didn't mean it."
Zion said genuinely afraid.
"All I meant was like it's just a squirrel, there are so many that die everyday. But then they go to squirrel-heaven where they can meet all of their relatives."
He says. I chuckle to myself and see a little smile creep onto Chantel's face as well.

"Yeah I'm sorry, it's just I'm so sensitive right now."
She says. I kiss her on the forehead.

"We understand babe. It's not easy you're carrying a child."
She nods.

"The interview is out!"
Edwin yells running down the stairs.

"Which one?"
I ask.

"Zach sang."
Edwin answers. He put it on the tv and the four of us watched it. It came to the part where Zach started asking me about my engagement.

"So Nick, you're actually engaged."
He says smiling at me.

I smile back.

"How does it feel? Many people say you guys are to young."

"Yeah, I mean, I don't think age has anything to do with it really. We both are mature, we know what we want. I looked back at all the things we've been through and I knew that this is the girl I'm gonna be with, so why wait?"

"Wow, yeah I agree with you. I believe 22 isn't to young. I mean people today are really used to couples waiting really long before they fully settle down. But hey, props to you for actually committing like that."
Zach says.

"We are all really proud of him and we're so happy he ended up with Chantel. She's a part of our little family, we would do anything for her."
Zion says as the rest of the guys nod.

"I totally agree. He couldn't have found a girl that suits him better honestly. They balance each other out really good."
Edwin adds.

"That's great I wish you a lot of luck."
He says and keeps interviewing the rest.

Chantel looks at me and smiles, I smile back.
"You are so cute baby."
She says kissing me.
"And you too guys."
She says hugging Zion and Edwin.

" C, we were just telling the truth."
Zion says. Chantel giggles then she looks at me and I could see her eyes getting glossier. I hug her and she cuddles up to me.

"Don't cry babe."
I chuckle and kiss he forehead. We kept watching the rest of the interview.

Chantel's POV

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