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The music was great people were dancing and enjoying their food. Suddenly it was time for for the best men and maid of honor to hold their speeches. First up was Catherine. I was already emotional and I knew her speech would make me cry.
"Hello everybody. I'm Catherine, most of you know me as one of Chantel's best friends Chantel and I grew up together and we were always very close. She is the first best friend I made and I'm very happy for that. I can't believe that I'm actually standing here and holding a speech at her wedding, we have been talking about this day since we were kids and although we both though we were never gonna find a man, it all quickly changed. Chantel and I have been through a lot together and I know all of the hard things she's had to go through, I've been with her through all of the bad times as well as good, the same way she's been with me through mine. But the thing that amazes me the most is how strong Chantel is, she never lets anybody push her around and through every obstacle she gets right up on her feet again. I am so so proud of you Chantel for becoming the woman that you are. You are intelligent, sweet, beautiful and just all around perfect, you can light up any room and you're always right there whenever somebody is in need. And Nick, I want to thank you for taking such good care of my best friend, you make her happy and I see how genuine her laughter is when she is with you. I've never seen her so in love and so crazy about somebody as she is about you. Thank you guys for always being there when somebody needs help and for putting everybody else first. You guys absolutely deserve each other, I feel like I've never seen a couple so compatible. You compliment each other so well and you are great parents. I hope everyday is as great as today and that your love shines brighter with every minute of your life. I love you guys and wish you the best."
I was shedding some tears and hugged Catherine as she came over to me.

Now it was time for Zion. He tapped the microphone a few times making sure it was on.
"Do you guys hear me?"
He says, some people started giggling while other held a thumbs up.
"So first of I want to welcome everyone, even though it is not my wedding. The couple actually had a hard time choosing someone to make a speech today. They started by asking their funniest friend, they said no. Then they asked their most charming friend, and they said no. After that, they asked their best looking friend, again they said no. Then they asked me, and, after turning them down three times I couldn't refuse again."
Zion jokes, the guest started laughing and so did he.
"Where do I start with Nick? He is kind, intelligent, gorgeous, charming... Nick I'm sorry, I can't read your handwriting you'll have to tell me the rest later. What not many people know, is that, it's thanks to me Nick and Chantel met. I knew Chantel first in the begging and later on she got to know Nick. Honestly, Nick was not the ideal boyfriend, which, I mean his height says enough. I'm sorry Nick, I had to bring it up. None of us guys knew what this would lead to. Nick was never the one to settle down, but this time things changed. I still remember the night Nick came home from Chantel's and he started talking 'bout 'she's the one', which we've never heard from him before. Unfortunately they had to take a break, and then all of a sudden they were engaged had a son and now they're married, time really does fly when you're depressed. I'm just kidding I love you Cindy."
The guests loved Zion and his jokes.
"All jokes aside I am really happy for Nick and Chantel, they are truly and amazing couple and deserve each other. I've honestly never seen a couple this well balanced. You two are some of the closest friends I have and I'm really grateful for that. Also one of the main reasons I love you guys is the little nephew I got, big ups to that. May the rest of your life together be blessed. Much love."
He said and walked back to our table. The atmosphere was amazing and everybody were in the best of moods.


582 119 likes@therealnickmara The day has finally come

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582 119 likes
@therealnickmara The day has finally come.Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world babe. 😘❤️
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590 826 likes@chantelmara Look at us baby! The best day fo my life (after my baby's birth ofc) I finally got your last name😍😘Comments deactivated

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590 826 likes
@chantelmara Look at us baby! The best day fo my life (after my baby's birth ofc) I finally got your last name😍😘
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