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The Zach Sang show

"Hello beautiful human. Today we're sitting here with Nick Mara who was here not so long ago, but this time he's here with his fiancée Chantel Jeffries!"
Zach says pointing at us with his hand.

We both say.

"Welcome guys. How are you?"

"We're good."
Nick says. I nod.

"Really good actually. I'm in a good mood today."

"Oh that's great! For all of you that might not be very familiar with Chantel she is a DJ and a model who is pregnant at the moment. I have to congratulate you before we go deeper into this."

"Oh thank you."
I say and smile as Nick looks at me and takes my hand.

"So I think a lot of your fans were very surprised to hear these news."

"They definitely were, which we were as well."
Nick says and giggles.

"Oh yeah, this pregnancy was a surprise to you too."

"Yup, we actually had no idea we were gonna have a little baby this soon. I'm actually not complaining, I've always wanted a child. We just didn't know it would come this early."
I say. Zach smiles.

"And last month you did a gender reveal."

"Yes we did. We are having a little baby boy."
Nick says.

"Any names in mind yet?"

"Yeah, but we're not telling anyone, we're announcing it when he comes to the world."
Nick answers.

"So you guys have been dating for quite a while, but everything hasn't been as easy and perfect as it is right now."

"Yeah, our relationship has had it's ups and downs. But I think once you get through all the hard times with your partner you also grow stronger with them."
Nick says while we were still holding hands. I squeezed it a little and he smiled.

"I agree, once I realized how hard it was living without Nick, I knew I needed him."

"So the break helped you realize that you were meant to be."

"Yes but not only that. I remember specifically one night when I was really anxious and I started praying. I've never really prayed because I wasn't sure if God was real, but that night I sat and prayed not for myself, but for Chantel's safety. My prayers were a cry for help, to make sure she'll never leave. And once I realized how bad I've been wanting her to stay with me, I knew there's no one else."
He said. My heart started beating really fast and I looked at him with teary eyes. He smiled and gave me a kiss.

"I'm sorry, he's never told me this."
I say with a little sniffle.

"That's actually really cute. I'm happy to see couples like you guys, because I feel like so many couples today break up as soon as a little inconvenience pops up."
Zach says before asking us other questions. We had a really great time and I feel like I got to talk out about feelings and Love which was pretty cute.


We got home and as soon as I open the door the first thing I hear is;
"Nah Nah, I don't care you never, NEVER, take a shit while you're still wet. Either you take a shit before or after the shower, never during."
Edwin says. Brandon snaps his fingers.

"What's wrong with that?"
Zion asks. All of the boys gave him a side eye.

"Are you out of your mind, that's disgusting."
Brandon adds. Nick and I just stood quietly in the hall listening to their conversation.

"Hey, guys we're back."
Nick says walking out from behind the corner to the living room.

"Oh hey, how'd the show go?"
Austin asks.

"It was good."
I say also popping out from the corner.
"He's so nice and easy to talk to."

"I know right?"
Zion says.

"You don't get the right to talk, you poop while you still wet from the shower."
I say as the guys laugh. Suddenly I feel this weird feeling in my stomach and it didn't take long before I realized what it was.
"Guys! The baby just kicked for the first time!"
I yell. They all ran up to me and put their hands on my belly.

"I felt it!"
Nick yells while giving me a kiss. I giggle at his cute reaction.

"Oh me too!"
Brandon yells.

"I'm craving some pickles with chocolate now."
I say as all the guys groan in discust.

"Not again C."
Edwin says. I give him a glare and he slowly backs away.

"So part tonight eh?"
Zion asks Edwin.


"Yeah well I'm not staying here."
I say.

Brandon yells from the living room. I turn towards him.

"I have a whole ass baby growing inside of me."

"Well I'm staying."
Nick says rubbing his hands. At first I got annoyed but now that I think about it, he's been taking care of me ever since I got pregnant. He goes from working on songs in the studio to coming home taking care of me and so on back and forth. He deserves to have some fun.

I say. He walks up to me and chuckles.

"I was just playing babe."

"No it's okay you can stay."
I say. He furrows his eyebrows.

"You serious?"

"Yes I'm serious. You've taken care of me so much. If you want to have some fun just stay."
He looks at me and smiles before giving me a hug.

"You are the absolute best!"
He says and kisses me. Later I drove home, which I gotta say is getting harder now that my stomach is getting big. I walk into the house where Cindy and Alissa were running around getting ready for the party.

"Ohh Chantel!"
Alissa says hugging me.
"Wow little baby is getting big."
She says giggling as she rubs my belly.

"Where is my little baby boy."
Cindy says kissing my stomach. I start laughing.
"How are you C?"

"I'm good. He kicked for the first time today!"
I say. They both started screaming.

"Wow that's big news!"
Cindy says. I nod.

"Where's Nick?"

"He's staying for the party so I'm staying alone tonight."
I say. We kept talking a little about different shit that has been happening. Apparently Ricky was cheating on Alissa before breaking up with her. So this was needed for Alissa.

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