My Medication

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You found no meaning to your life. You hurt yourself and wanted to kill yourself. You had no friends and your parents worked all the time and you had no siblings. You were alone. One night, your mother came home. You were on the couch, watching TV ad she came over to you. "Hey (Y/N), I have something for you." She said with a smile. You looked at her. "What is it?" You asked. She pulled out a bottle that appeared to be medication. "Medication?" You asked. "No honey, it'll make you feel better. You'll be happy!" She said with a bigger grin. You sighed. "Well, go try it out!" She said smiling. You didn't like this but you wanted to see if this'll actually work. You grabbed the medication and went to the kitchen. You filled up a glass of water and then you took a pill and swallowed. You then, sat down and waited. It wasn't until about half and hour until it started kicking in. When it did, you was freaking hyper as hell. You ran around and was crazy! A couple days past. You took...well, supposed to take only two a day but, you started sneaking more and more. One day, you fed one to your cat and laughed like a mad man. He died of spasm attack. Then, you took another. One day, I maybe? Eight? Your not exactly sure but you kept taking more and more and you eventually got so overwhelmed that you lost control. So overwhelmed that you killed my your parents in their sleep at night. You was smart enough to know you couldn't get caught so you ran to the woods. You was still uncontrollable and you brought your knife with you. After about an hour, you calmed down enough to take control again but still hyper as hell and you heard noises behind you. You got up, and you looked around. Nothing. Maybe it was noises in your head. You just shook it off and walked more. You kept hearing noises so you stopped. "Who the hell is following me?!" You yelled. Then, a boy about your age, fifteen, sixteen maybe, stepped out. "Look, I'm not here to hurt you. I saw you go insane and kill your mother." He said. "Yeah and?" You asked. "You are now a Creepypasta. Come with me. I'm Ticci Toby." He said.

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