Your excused.

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The next day, you, Bella, and Marlene went outside. They were playing in the dirt and you were watching them. You heard someone behind you. You reacted rapidly. It was Jeff. You had your axe in your hand and pointed it toward him. "Don't you dare take one more step closer." You said as he stopped. "I just wanted to apologize." He said, sadly. You slowly put down your axe. "You nearly hurt my baby." "I know, I'm sorry." He said more sadly and looked down. You took a deep breath. You looked at the girls which were all muddy now. "Come on, girls. Let's go get you washed up for dinner." You said as they slowly got up and walked to you. You grabbed the girls' hands and walked inside, giving Jeff a hateful look.

The girls were in the bathtub, causing the water to be brown and you slowly washed their heads. "Mommy, why does Jeff hate us?" Marlene asked. "Jeff doesn't hate you. He just...he just doesn't help it sometimes. He really doesn't want to hurt you." "Why did he yesterday?" Bella asked. You took a deep breath. "He didn't know he was. He really does love you guys. He just doesn't have control sometimes." I replied. They didn't ask anymore questions like they understood.

Afterwards, I got them dressed and brushed their hair. Then, I opened the door. Jeff was sitting against the wall, waiting. The girls ran past him and ran downstairs. "What?" I asked. He shook his head. I took a deep breath. "You heard me." I said. He nodded. He slowly stood. "I really am sorry." He said again. I nodded. "Your excused. For now. But one more act, your done. Got it?" I asked. He nodded again. I took another deep breath and walked downstairs as well.

I'm back guys! How was this chapter?

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