The dream

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You sat up. You were kind of dizzy but you shook it off. You stood tried balancing but it was hard. You sat back down for a few minutes and felt a little better. You went up stairs. Bella was playing video games with Ben which made you smile. You went to Marlene's room and she was on the floor with Toby, sleeping. It was the cutest thing ever. You went to your room. You were kind of depressed so you took two pills. You weren't 'crazy' but hyper. You sat them on the bed and walked downstairs. After a few minutes, you heard a scream from upstairs. It sounded like Bella and Ben. You ran upstairs and followed the scream. It was in your room. You ran in and Toby was on the floor, holding Marlene. "Whats wrong with her!?" You yelled. "She swallowed your pills." Ben said. "What?! How many?!" You yelled. "Eleven." Toby said. Your cheeks were now rivers of tears flowing down. You ran to your baby girl. You picked her up. She wasn't breathing. You began to panic. You took her and a knife to the woods, deep in the woods and stopped. You heard screaming in the distance. "Im sorry my baby. Im sorry Bella. Im sorry Toby." Then you stabbed yourself. Toby rushed over to you. "No!!!" He yelled. His cheeks were more flooded than yours. "Why?!?!" He yelled. "I didn't want to live like a monster no more. I've even killed my own daughter." You said. Your eyes slowly closed. "No!!" Toby yelled then you were finished.

you sat up quickly. It was all a dream. "Whats wrong baby?" He asked. "Nightmare. Very bad nightmare." You said. Then, laid back down to cuddle with Toby and fell back asleep.

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