The novel

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You went home and Went to bed. You were in severe pain. You had bruises all over you and you were crying, face in your pillow. It just hurt so much. Then, you looked at your wrists. That only made you sob more. Toby must've heard this so he came in. "(Y/N)? What's wrong baby?" He asked. He sat on your bed. You hugged him. "I-I-it hurts...I-I-Im hurt. I-I-I-I was all alone." You said sobbing. "Im so sorry baby, I will never, ever, ever, ever leave you again. I promise." He said. You held him tighter. You looked up at his hazel eyes. He starred at your bright blue eyes. Then his lips smacked on to yours. He kissed you passionately and it ended up turning into making out. You pulled away quickly. "Not now." You said. "Aww...why?" He asked. You didn't want it so you took his hatchets and ran downstairs. "Hey!" He yelled and ran after you. He was gaining up on you so you ran to the woods. Soon, you lost him. Or you thought you did. You stopped to take a breath. You stood there for a few minutes and then heard a snap behind you. You quickly turned. You were tackled. It was Toby. "Gotcha! Now its my turn." He said. You looked at him. "What?" You asked. He just gave you a smirk. Oh god... He took the necklace you got from your birthday. He took it and hid it. You looked and looked but didn't find it. You went into his room while he was getting waffles and there was a book on his bed. You have gotton curious and picked it up and took it to your room. You opened the first page. It read:
Day one...
I found this weird, empty novel from one of my victims so I decided to keep it. I kinda like it.

I turned alot of pages.

Day 27:
I think I have a slight crush on (y/n). She's so pretty and caring. How in the hell am I going to get her?

You smiled and turned a few more.

Day 30:
I'm going to do it today. I will. I will ask her out. I finally have the balls. I hope.

Then you turned a lot more.

Day 68:

Wait isn't that today? It is...

I want to do it. I love her. I'm scared she'll say no. What if she's not ready? What if I'm not ready? What if she secretly likes Ben more than me? I'm scared. I have the ring. I just don't have the balls. I don't know, maybe I'll wait. But for how long? This kills me. I want to marry her. I want to propose. I love her. I want a family.

You heard footsteps coming to my room. You hurried and shut the book and stuffed it into the pillow. You tried looking causal. Toby walked in. "Hello my love." He said. You couldn't stop smiling. "Hey baby." You said. He cleared his throat. "" He asked. "Yes?" You said as your heart skipped a beat. "Will you meet me in the woods for training later?" He asked. "Oh, umm...sure." you said and cleared your throat. "When?" You asked. "Get dressed and meet me there okay?" He asked. You nodded. He walked out not saying a word and looking back. He's not going to do it...

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