The bed

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The next day, you woke up and Toby wasn't there. You walked to Bella's room and there was Toby, rocking Bella. You smiled and walked downstairs. You made some waffles and Toby came downstairs with Bella. He put her in the highchair and I gave her a waffle. You began feeding her and she was just like her father, she loved waffles. Speaking of father...oh he's on the couch eating waffles. Anyway, once she was finished, I gave her a bath and took her  downstairs. We needed to go to town. You needed someone to watch Bella for a little bit. Not Jeff. Not Jeff. NOT Jeff. I mean, he's like my older brother hmm...maybe Jane can do it. You walked upstairs and she wasn't in her room. You went back downstairs and there was Slender man. "Hey Slendy, where's Jane?" You asked. "She's gone out. Why?" He asked. "I need someone to watch Bella while I go to town quickly." You said. "I can. If you'd like." He said. You smiled. "That'll be great. Thanks Slendy." You said. You gave him the diaper bag and Bella. Then, you and Toby went to go get the bed. In the store, Toby was looking at beds for Bella and you might of quietly wondered off. You were looking at baby clothes and someone came up to you. "Oh my god, (y/n)!?" You heard from behind you. You turned around. It was one of your old school friends, Jade. "Jade?!" You yelled and hugged her. "I thought you were murdered! How'd you get away from the murderer?!" She asked. "Umm..." you cleared your throat. "Well...I ran off to the woods." You said. "Where do you live now?" She asked. " fathers'." You said. "I thought your father was dead." She said. "That was my...step father." You said. "Ohh" she said smiling. She looked down. "And your pregnant?!" She asked. "Yeah...I also live with my boyfriend." You said smiling. "Lucky...I can't even see my boyfriend." She said smiling. "Well, I have to go find my boyfriend." You said. She waved and you waved and you went where the beds were. I forgot how annoying Jade was. "There you are!" Toby said. You smiled and nodded. "So, picked one yet?" You asked. "Yeah, I like this black one with while musical notes on it." He said. You nodded. "Me too." And that's the one she got. Toby carried it Home and started putting it together while you went to check on Bella. On the way, your water broke. You started screaming. There were nobody around. You were scared. You didn't know what to do.

By the way guys, if you haven't noticed already, The cover photo is changed. It is a picture of the reader, Toby, Bella and the newborn, Marlene so say thanks to my friend, Kate for drawing that for Me. She thinks its horrible but I love it. Tell me how you guys feel about it. Thanks(:

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