The surviving twin

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A few weeks later, It was if you were only getting bigger and our little Bella is also. She gets more and more beautiful by the day goes by. You still threw up every morning but you thought that was normal. Anyway, you woke up because Bella started crying. You got up and picked her up and hushed her. Jeff came in. "Can you make her shut up?!" Jeff asked. You just gave him a death glare for a few minutes. He rolled his eyes and walked out. "Bitch." He mumbled. You put the baby down, grabbed the hatchet and ran after him. You tackled him. "Get the fuck off of me!!!" He yelled. You got off and started to walk away. "Its like your still pregnant." He said. You stopped, turned and gave him a death glare. He rolled his eyes and walked downstairs. Bella started crying. You went to the room and Toby was holding her in the bed, hushing her. You smiled. That was just too damn cute. You sat beside him. "Hey baby." He said. You smiled. "Hey." You said. Bella soon fell back to sleep in Toby's arms. It was now 7:48 so it was time to get up so you didn't go back to sleep. You sat there watching Toby rock Bella and soon, you felt sick so you ran to the bathroom and threw up. This has happened for the past few weeks. It was now January 4th and the miscarriage happened the 21st so yeah, a couple weeks. You were feeling weird so maybe... no it couldn't be. You went up to Dr. Smile and he checked on you. You had twins but one died. One survived. So you were still pregnant. That explains why you've been sick every morning and why you've been getting bigger. This baby was now 7 months. It was a baby girl. You went back downstairs. Toby was on the rocking chair in Bella's room. He was rocking Bella and she was asleep. "Hey Toby, can I talk to you?" You asked. He slowly got up and but Bella into the crib and went out quietly. "What's up babe?" He asked. You smiled. "I'm still pregnant." You said. "What?!" He yelled. "Shh...Bella's sleeping." You said smiling. He hugged you and kissed you. "Its a girl." You said. "What's her name?" He asked. "I don't know, that's what I came to you for." You said. What would be the perfect name for our first born baby girl? Can you readers help? I would like to add that my friend had the idea of the twin baby because she said that so many miscarriages were to sad so she gave this idea to me and she wants me to say hi to all the readers lol just a note(:

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