The azure sky members 『skills』/『stigmas』

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Kawashima-the ruler of swords can use anything with a blade on it in combat weather or not she has used it before or not.
Akimoto-king's speech those who listen follow his rule except for suicide
Nakajima- invulnerability for 15 mins since activation
Kanade-king of beast has any animals powers
Saruwatari-king of sharpshooting can hit any target from at away
Kurokawa-the programmer can program just about anything and hack if it is within the users abilities-usually the information broker
Hasegawa-mrs.unlucky brings unluckiness to those around her can make those in battle with her suffer from a random injury
Ishimaru-bomber man can make a bomb from almost anything
Kojima-creed of assassins can blend in very well and can assassinate very easily
Miura-reality makes life like drawings she makes come to life for 10-20 mins
Nakashima-esper was born with psychic powers can only use telepathy and move small objects

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