Time skip

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3 months have gone by since kawa went into a comatose. They visited her everyday and and spoke to her sometimes even. Nothing at the azure sky was going well the first week in the place was in under chaos because nobody knew their schedules very well or they got it mixed up with each other's well all except kuro. Kawa was their secretary so they were usually never confused like this. Kuro had to take over her job before things got even worse.school wasn't the same either the though that one of of the perfect 6 was in a comatose caused shock throughout the school.
they were doing their routine visit to her room as usual kana talked to her as if she was awake naka looking for the fruit to peel kuro asking on any improvement on her health or signs of her waking up saru and aki talking about plans for the downfall of seventh heaven or utopia after kawa wakes up after all they weren't going to begin with 1/6 at least of their manpower. Today was different though well something was they could feel it in the air when the doctor can in he was really solemn looking they could just tell there was bad news. "We are afraid we can no longer care for this patient here the rooms are full and we need to make room for the resent survivors of the carriage incident where 20 people were involved there were 8 casualties and two nearly fell off the cliff so for their physical and mental health kawashima michiyo will be evict of this room in 1-gahhh!!ahhh!" The doctor shouted kuro naka kana aki and saru were all at his throat or face ready to attack with a mad mans look in their eyes. (Above) "in sorry but that's impossible!!!!!" The man said with tears in his eyes. Aki grabbed a syringe from a nearby table and said with an even more insane look in his eyes "are you sure about that?" As he came closer "ehahhhhh d-don't kill me! Somebody save me!!!!" He screamed for anyone but this was the ICU and everybody else was working on the other victims of the carriage accident so in another sense nobody heard him and nobody would save him they were not hesitant to kill either in their world of being rebels it was killed or be killed, "do you really think we won't kill you doctor? I don't care how many years of medicine you've studied I wouldn't even care if you were this worlds hero if you don't keep my friend alive and here I will not hesitate to kill you." aki said in a murderous tone saying in itself he was not joking. at that moment when he was about to pierce the doctors throat they heard movement three of their heads turned to check what was happening the other two made sure the man was unable to escape. what they saw was a miracle....kawa was waking up "don't do it he's innocent don't forget we promised to not hurt any innocents unless absolutely necessary....." Just saying those few words she felt nearly completely drained she started to fall into the darkness again before she did she heard multiple voices calling her name telling her to wake up. no matter how strong she was something kept lulling her back to sleep it was like a lullaby from a music box and so very nostalgic. after she said that they all rushed to her side only to find her in a comatose once more kana would not accept this not again! "do you want to worry your parents anymore than you have kawa I know you don't so wake the f**k up if you don't I'll make you wake up!" As she fell asleep once more she heard a voice nostalgic like the music but the voice was telling her to wake up no matter what to not give up trying to wake up. She wanted to listen to the voice but the music was very powerful but in the end the voice won through and she woke once again this time she intended to stay awake, she was in a very weakened state though and may need to stay even longer before she could get transported to home base. " I heard your voice kana it kept telling me 'wake up wake up! Don't stop trying to wake up!' That was the reason I woke up...." at this kana proudly smiled "but I heard nostalgic music lulling me back to sleep again I can't place my finger on it though it was definitely a melody from a music box though 'go to sleep it will all be fine if you sleep' is what the voice with the music told me." kawa continued "it couldn't be the melody from that music box could it?" Naka asked "no way we made sure we locked that away in a mountain with seals and everything nobody could have found it!" Kuro yelled fearing that tsuki would come to get them back as revenge for locking her there,but she doesn't know of her surroundings...something about this whole incident was strange how did she even get a fever in the first place why would she go into a comatose....it was like this was all to well set up " I don't know kuro but what I do know is that we'll make whatever did this to kawa pay that pain back 10 fold!" Aki said like a true king would. " We should leave this conversation for another day and celebrate kawa's awakening ah let's not forget to tell her parents im sure they'll be overjoyed" aki said happily "but what ever should we do with mr.doctor I mean he heard everything just now..." aki said in a sadistic voice " I say that we let him go as long as he swears to secrecy of course or else......I'll hunt him down and kill him myself." (did you think I forgot him?) " I I swear to secrecy so p-please just spare me!!!" He pleaded "ahh how low the weak can go for their own survival." saru said while knocking him out. "shall we go?" Naka asked as they headed off there was something watching them they sensed it immediately but as fast as they turned around the presence disappeared this confirmed that this was no coincidence it was all planned.
(What will happen to our her-gahh! No that's one of the worse was to end a chapter. what do you suggest will happen will another of the azure sky fall and rise again or will the stay down?)

The end of utopia (being re written)Where stories live. Discover now