The mission

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"Hey koji come over here for a second!" Kuro yelled to the lieutenant "yes general what is it a mission?" koji said in emotionless tone "yup how'd ya guess? well here are the details good luck!" kuro said as he headed off waving to do the second part of his job today. "hey naka come over here for a second!" kuro yelled "what do you want kuro?" naka asked in a seemingly pissed of tone "i need your help in moving all of our files and data to this chip here as well as keep an eye on hase." kuro said while waving around a small USB " fine but why do I need to keep an eye on hase?" naka asked "keep this a secret from the other ranks but right now the only ones we can trust are each other and maybe the generals the PF are getting cocky and may make one that is new turn on us basically becoming a spy" kuro said with a dead serious face " especially hase since she's new and doesn't seem to like us very much she can turn sides without feeling very guilty,just keep an eye on her okay?" "fine but why would she even betray us they're all orphans we took in gave a home to and an education why would they betray us?" naka asked "I don't know naka I don't know that's why humans are so untrustworthy." kuro said leaving to get the files leaving naka to do his job.
With koji at 12 am:
'What's with all these guards it's like he knew I was coming.' koji thought while sneaking and knocking guards out left and right. when he made it to the room he made sure there weren't any lasers nor alarms 'must've trusted those guards too much for his own good.' koji thought as he sliced off the mans throat emotionlessly killing him, after which he put the papers down which caused alarms go off. he needed to escape now and he knew it he ran for the windows and up the roof to his prepared escape car. just as he was about to reach the doors though he got shot in the leg but he still made it back to base alive and that was that mattered not a scar nor a life threatening injury he would even sacrifice his own life for the azure sky as they have brought him back from the depths of the under world and saved him he needed to pay them back somehow even if it meant killing.that is how far koji's loyalty lies with the azure sky stretching forever endlessly protecting them.
(Really short I know but I really didn't want to write anything mushy if I don't have to.also this is short cause my charger is broken and I just wanted to get something out there.)

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