The ball

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Try we're all dressed in the clothes kawa created.
aki-black suit and tie white dress shirt
Naka-white suit black tie teal dress shirt
Saru-black suit black tie yellow dress shirt
Kuro-black suit and tie teal dress shirt
Kana-red evening dress with silver lining
Kawa-azure gown flowy but not excessively so
End list:
They all got changed and left at 6:30 pm they made it there at 7 pm precisely. They got out of their cars-yes cars aki's father is a politician after all- and walked arm in arm with they're partners only naka and saru were fighting causing a commotion which was predicted but not part of the plan." Maybe I should have gone with naka instead."kawa stated with a sweat drop "just leave them be their always like that's anyways." Kana said in an angry tone "well let's go to 'act one' shall we?"kuro asked/said "no it's not the 'first act' it's the 'first game'!" Saru argued " the name doesn't matter what matters right now is that we do this mission without fail, don't let me down my generals." They socialized with other people to put up a good front for about a good half hour but aki looked like he had enough and excused himself to talk with his generals about any possible last minute changes fortunately there wasn't any that they could think of or it went under their radar which might I add is very hard to do. Kawa went up to aki and said "may I have this dance?" "That should be my line no?" Aki replied " ill take that as a yes." And they went to the dance floor meanwhile with naka and saru they decided to have a truce until the mission ended "hey what time is it saru?" Naka asked "hmm it's 7:45, we still have 5 minutes until we need to start the preparations" saru replied "ahhh this is so boring especially because I'm with you." "What did you just say?" "I said it was boring cause I'm with a problem?" "I am not boring!" Saru argued/yelled "yes you" are was what he got back and that started another fight. That was until kawa saw them out of the corner of her eyes making a crowd she then proceeded to get very pissed which is rare since she's usually indifferent or happy.
'Those idiots why are the causing a scene now of all times?! we only have three minutes left till we have to get ready! they won't be able to sneak away either.aww why did they have to cause more trouble?!' kawa though angrily as she was thinking about it she was unconsciously clenching her fist and at the moment they were around aki's shoulder that were now starting to hurt which was pissing him off. "kawa get your hands off my shoulders they hurt."💢 "ehh ah sorry but look over there their ruining the plan.and we took so long to make it too..." She Pouted angrily "kuro! come over here!" aki called out "this is rare for you to yell for me in public to it's truly and honor."*insert fake tears* "cut the crap kuro I want you to make saru's and naka's skies to go off we only have 1 minute left before 7:45 we need to be ready by 7:50." Aki explained "but make sure it's on electrical vibrate so it stings but they can't ignore but the other guest won't know can you use your 『skill the programmer』 to do that?" Aki asked " ah yea sure it'll take like 10 seconds tops" "『skill of the programmer』activate" his eyes changed to those who hold a skill also known as a 『stigma』a screen appeared out of thin air and Kuro went to work 9.765 seconds later approximately saru and naka got the message and stopped the fight. That though did not mean in anyway that kawa was any less pissed oh no she was planning all the ways of what to do with them.
(Phew that was long hope you guys liked it!)
The eye is the stigma and is a mix of blues

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