A peaceful day...

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Third person POV:

Fairytail Origins,

Mario was walking along the edge of The Divinus Magia island. He looked up at the sky. He sighed. So much has happened in the past few days. It was his day off. He sat down in David's Zen garden.

'Things are changing' Mario.
'Way too soon...'

"Hey Mario!" Kay said interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh it's just you" Mario replied.

"Watcha doing?" Kay asked as she proceeded to sit beside him.

Mario felt a little uncomfortable. He wasn't use to someone being this close.

"Uh what are you doing?" Mario asked.

"I wanted to talk to you!" Kay replied.

"Oh um... Okay?" Mario said.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Eh the recent events..." Kay replied.

"Huh yeah what about them...?" Mario asked.

"You know... the whole counterparts thing?" Kay said hiding her face.

"Huh what do you mean-"


"And uh yeah hi I'm Kay and I have a boyfriend. His name is Mario the son of Zues!"

End of flashback!

"O-oh um..." Mario stammered. He felt his face heat up.

"Y-yeah... um are you okay Mario?" Kay asked.

"Y-yeah..." He replied.

"Hey Mario can I ask you something?"

"Uh okay sure"

"What are we-"

"Hey guys!" Kit shouted as she ran towards them.

"Hey" Mario replied.

"Hi Kit..." Kay said.

"Hehe! So Mario you wanna go on a mission with me?" Kit asked eagerly.

"But Its my day off!" Mario protested.

"So what!? It's mine too!" Kit replied.
"Now c'mon! Let's go!!!"

"Ugh fineee" Mario groaned as he and Kit walked to the guild hall to take a quest.

"Wait!" Kay called out.

"What?" Kit asked.

"Can I join you guys?" Kay asked.

"Of course!!! The more the merrier!!!" Kit replied as she took Kay's hand and ran to the guild hall.

Mario sighed as he followed after them.

Meanwhile at Grimshade...

"I hate my life"

"Me too"

"You know I could just reap your soul right now?"

"I regret what I said. My life is greattt" Mitch replied sarcastically.

"Good to hear" Michael said.

"Hey can't you take a little joke" Pat muttered.

"Yeah but its more entertaining this way" Michael replied.

"Uh huh yeah sureeee" Pat replied.

"So what do you all think of your counterparts?" Bren asked.

"Eh mines okay. He isn't so keen on the whole murder idea" Michael replied.

"Mine I can't tolerate. He is so annoying!!! He's all about the greater good of this world and all that cringe!" Mitch complained.
"And he's also a fish boy".

"Likewise. Mine was a like him too. Although he knew what personal space meant" Michael said.

Colin came into the room with Lily and Seek tagging along behind him.

"Oh there you all are" Michael replied looking at the trio.

"Hi guys" Seekah replied.

"Hey!" Lily replied.

"What are you guys up to?" Colin asked.

"We're just discussing the recent events this week" Bren replied.

"Oh yeah the whole counterpart thing. Eh mine is alright I guess" Seekah said.

"She's fine just a little... extra" Lily replied.

"The other me seems fine" Colin replied.

"None of them agree on the murder idea?"


"Geez why did our counterparts have to be good people" Mitch muttered.

"Honestly I kinda like the other Mitch. He's 10 times nicer than you" Colin replied.

"True" Lily said.

"Three seconds to run" Mitch muttered.

Colin started to run to safety.

"Great I'm a go murder Colin now bye!" Mitch mumbled.

"Mitch! Wait! No!" Lily bellowed as she ran after him.

"Should we go and stop them...?" Pat asked.


Fairytail Origins and Origins of Olympus CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now