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Kit's POV:

"C'mon guys hurry up! I need more money to pay for the rent!!!!" I shouted.

"Hey! Your splitting the money fifty fifty!" Mario replied.

"Okay fine! Now hurry up!" I yelled.

After what seemed like n eternity, Mario and Kay finally came to the docks. I swear if we screw up this job I'm a ignite the whole island!

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Yup let's go!" Kay said walking onto the boat.

Mario was the last one to get on. He seemed a little nervous. Well I guess I can understand that as he does get motion sickness on a boat.

"Hurry up slowpoke! I'll give you 1/5 if you don't hurry up!" I yelled.

Mario groaned as he walked onto the ship slowly. He was clearly annoyed at me. But it was funny seeing him be all grumpy. Kay and I giggled. Mario went downstairs to do his business... Yeah I don't want to mention it. The thought of it makes me want to do IT too. Kay seemed a little preoccupied so I decided to shake her. Her reaction was pretty funny! She was startled for a few minutes but then realized it was me.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

Kay nodded as the ship made its way inland.

A few hours later...

Mario's POV:


The ship docked and I slowly but surely got out of that blasted. Finally! Kay and Kit giggled as they walked onto the docks. I hate seeing their smug faces when they walk out a ship or any kind of transportation unfazed or  sick.

"So where to now?" I ask.

"The man should have a lodging here nearby. He's the owner of an inn so he said we could get a free room while we do our quest depending on how long it will take" Kit replied.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Kay said.
"Lets go!!!"

She then skipped along the pathway all cheery as Kit ran after her.

Heh cute...

Wait what!? Did i really just thought that!? Well I mean I guess she is cute and pretty...
Ugh! What am I thinking!? She's just an acquaintance. Nothing more...

"Earth to Mario! Are you there?" Kay asked.

I was startled by hearing her voice as I snapped back to reality. I look down and see a small girl with chestnut hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was smiling widely...

Third person POV:

Mario and Kay made intense eye contact with each other. Suddenly Mario realizes that he was way too close to her... way to close... lips only a few centimeters apart.... Suddenly the gap between them closes in slowly until......

"Hey guys watcha doing?" Kit asked. Causing them both to jump.

"K-Kit! Geez you scared me!" Mario mumbled.

"Oh hey Kit!" Kay replied beaming.

"Hey Kay! Mario. So wanna explain what was going on there???" Kit asked grinning.

Kay and Mario both blushed.

"NOTHING I SWEAR!" Kay shouted

"YEAH WHAT SHE SAID!" Mario replied.

Both were a blushing mess and avoided eye contact with each other.

Kit's POV:

Great now I'm a third wheel! I swear it's so obvious that they like each other! Heck they almost kissed... Well I need the money ASAP so I needed to interrupt their little... moment. I look over to see Kay playing some game with Mario. She's so close to him... too close... they both look so happy... it's cute. Kay then took Mario's hand and then dragged him all the way to the inn. Or at least I think so.

"Why must it be this way...." I mumbled.
"Why must you like her...?"

To be continued...

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