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Angel are you ready yet , we need to get going now", I said storming out the apartment.

"You really need to chill sis cause we going with my man not yours", she said.

"For the last time he's not my boyfriend Angel", I said rolling my eyes.

I really wish Kayla was here right now . I wasn't in the mood for riding with Angel an her lil west-side thug. The only reason why I was catching a ride with them in the first place is because today was grocery shopping day. Normally Kayla an I would go every Saturday when were running earrings, but my bitch ain't here atm so imma have to third wheel. I had plan on calling E to take me, but I didn't want him to think that I needed him for his ride so I decided not to.

"So I heard you finally found yourself a boo thang liyah, That's good maybe he would change that stuck up attitude of yours", Carlos said laughing.

"What the fuck Angel, why are you going around telling people E is my boyfriend when he's not", I said angrily.

"Hold up, you mean E as in Elijah", Carlos said confused.

"Yes, but he is not my boyfriend. Do you know him", I asked?

"Man of course I know E. we basically brothers and we work together", Carlos said.

"So when were you going to tell me that", Angel said jealously.

"You never asked so calm your ass down for I calm you down myself", he said with a smirk.

"Eww, my virgin ears", I said.

"For now", Carlos mumbled.

"Hey ,whats that suppose to mean", I said hitting him.

"Nothing", he said with a evil grin.

"Whatever, lets go cause I ain't tryna be in here to long", I said getting out the car.

Every Saturday the food store be full of people which is annoying as hell. So I make a list of the things we need every time I come here so I wouldn't have to be long. After walking around for nearly ten minutes , I had finally gotten everything we needed. Now it was time for me to get my favorite cup of chocolate ice cream before it goes. When I arrived at the freezer, I found the last cup of chocolate ice cream I was craving for almost three days now. Just when I was about to grabbed it, I felt someone from behind yank it out my hand.

"Give that back you dick", I said turning around facing the person.

"Easy shorty, before I put your ass in check", Elijah said laughing.

"Hand me my ice cream back or imma put your ass in check", I said with an attitude.

"Okay you win", he said passing the ice cream putting his hand up in surrender.

"So what you doing here, you following me", I said

"Nah, Carlos told me you were here so I came ", he said with a smirk.

"Damn Carlos", I mumbled.

"So why didn't you call me", he said.

"I didn't want to bother you", I said all shy.

"Shorty you ain't, I'm glad Carlos called me though cause I needed to talk to you", he said.

"You have my number though", I said confused.

"Yh, but I wanted to ask you in person", he said.

"So ask me", I said annoyed.

"I wanted to know if you would go out with me tonight", he said all daddyish.

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