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^^Aliyah & David

Stepping into another state I felt at peace. I decided that it was best I stay out here for a month before I head back to Elijah. I was still hurt over what had happened yesterday. But I knew I needed to move on. I will always love Elijah but right now I have to do what's best for me and David. I was currently staying at a hotel in Indianapolis taking a long bubble bathe as David slept. This was a good way for me to clear my mind and soul. I know it was wrong for me not telling Angel where I was but  I knew it was the best decision.

Since David was asleep, I decided to head downstairs real quick to grabbed a couple of snacks to eat before I head back inside. As I was approaching the snack room, I noticed this guy staring at me but I didn't pay him no mind. As soon as I was about to pay for my stuff the guy walked up and handed the cashier the money for my snacks.

"You didn't have to do that yinno", I said.

"I know gorgeous, I wanted too", he said with a smirk.

"Well thank you sir', I said getting ready to walk away.

"My name is Isaiah, what's yours lovely", he said.

"My name is Aliyah and if you don't mind I need to get going", I said getting annoyed.

"Wait. What's the rush", Isaiah said.

"I have a son I need to get to okay", I said.

"Well give me your number so I could text you love", he said handing me his phone.

After we exchange numbers,I headed back to my room and changed into a big t-shirt making myself comfortable. I gotta say that Isaiah guy sure is fine . But I wasn't interested in anybody  right now I came here for a purpose.

Isaiah- 26 years old

"You sure she isn't at a motel ", Carlos said to Elijah

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"You sure she isn't at a motel ", Carlos said to Elijah.

"I check the whole city man and she isn't anywhere. I need to know where my son is man" Elijah said pacing back an fourth.

"Relax dude, do you know why she would just up and leave", Carlos asked Elijah.

"Idk man, this isn't like her", Elijah said with his hands on his head.

" Go get some rest, me and the crew will go looking for her and David", Carlos said.

"Okay bro, thanks", Elijah said before he left.

During his ride back home, Elijah head was all over the place. All he could of think about is Aliyah and David and why would she just leave him. He didn't do anything wrong . Walking into his house, he went straight to his bedroom. Elijah hadn't gotten any sleep since Aliyah picked up and left.  His body was tired and he knew he needed some rest.

Aliyah Pov                                                                                                                                                                     After I had got up from my nap, I went into the kitchen to fix David his bottle because I knew he was hungry. After I was done, I  placed him on the floor as I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls. Turning on my phone, I noticed that I had twenty- two missed calls and eleven text messages all from Carlos and  Angel. I decided to call Carlos to let him know that I was good so he wouldn't worry.

"Hey Carlos", 

"Where the hell are Liyah, everyone is worried about you. Elijah is going crazy"

"I'm fine okay. I'm in another state right now. I just need some time to think. Elijah did something and I don't know if I want to see him right now. I'll be back in another month or earlier. I love you and tell Angel am okay"

After the conversation, I decided to text Isaiah to see what he was up to since he was the only person I knew around here.

Me- Hey

Isaiah- Hey beautiful, what's up. didn't think you would text me.

Me- And why is that?

Isaiah-Because you look stuck up. But anyway where you from. I never seen you around before.

Me- I'm from Chicago. I just came here to get away from somebody for awhile.

Isaiah- Oh well, Indianapolis is peaceful and relaxing. Maybe I could show you around and even carry you to dinner.

Me- Are you asking me out??

Isaiah- Maybe.

Me- Lol well I can't, I have a baby and no babysitter.

Isaiah- My sister can watch him. She love kids trust me and that way I will get to know you a little better.

Me- Okay well imma think about it.

Isaiah- You do that love.

Maybe going out with Isaiah isn't a bad idea considering that he's the only person I know around here. I know it will feel wrong going on a date with another guy now that am engage but Elijah cheated on me so I have every right to do me.


(Phone Call)

"Hello", Elijah said in a sleepy tone.

"Aliyah and David okay. She said she in another state and she need time away from you. What you do this time man", Carlos said.

Thinking back on what happened yesterday. Elijah finally realized what was going on. He knew Aliyah went over to the condo and saw Trina and that caused her to leave.

"Man I gotta call you back", Elijah said before hanging up.

After him and Carlos conversation, Elijah made his way to his car and sped off to his condo.

Thanks to my mid-term break I will be updating more faster. Remember to comment & vote and stay in tune!!!!!!!!!!!!

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