i'll see you 'round, rich

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"I'll see you 'round, Rich

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"I'll see you 'round, Rich."

Eddie had said those words to Richie as he left the remaining losers after the blood oath.

It had been three years and six months.

"Yeah, I'll see ya, Eds."

All that time without the boy who made him feel butterflies in his tummy and ecstasy in his chest. Such a long time.

"Don't call me Eds. You know how much I hate it." Eddie smiled after that, walking away, leaving Richie to bid his farewells to the rest of the group.

Eddie didn't hate being called Eds. In fact, he kind of liked it. But he knew that if Richie knew that, he would stop doing it.

With Beverly out of state with her aunt and most of the losers keeping their distance from each other, Richie didn't know how to get everyone back together. He also didn't know how to repress the extreme feelings he had for the cute, little asthmatic boy, Eddie Kaspbrak.

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