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Mike and Richie went and hid in another room away from Eddie

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Mike and Richie went and hid in another room away from Eddie. "You're in love with him, aren't you?" Mike grinned, adjusting his flower crown that he only made that morning.

"Is it that obvious?" Richie grimaced.

"Pretty much."

Richie sighed, adjusting his glasses ever-so-slightly. "I wish it was easier to be, well, like me."

"And I wish I could fly. Look, Richie, the world sucks. Everyone has something against someone or has regrets they wish they could take back. Things may not get any easier for you. All you can really do is say 'fuck them' and enjoy life anyway, because otherwise, you'll perish with so many regrets. Eddie and you are soulmates."

"W-we can't be." Richie jokingly scoffed, causing Mike to give him a strange look.

"You are. He loves you and you love him."

Mike was possibly the wisest person in the losers club (right next to Ben). He always knew exactly what to say and the 'reason' among their impulsive natures. Mike was truly the glue of the group, and once they had him back, they would surely flourish.

"How can you be so sure?" Richie asked, keeping quiet in case Eddie was listening.

"I remember before the losers broke up," Mike started. "Eddie came to the farm one day, even though he thought it was gross and unsanitary," Richie laughed softly, "and he showed me a box."

Ah, the box. Richie knew where Mike was going with this, it was obvious.

"And in this box," Mike couldn't help but smile at Richie's impatient feet twitching and tapping, "were things that reminded him of you. Tell me that he doesn't love you."

"He doesn't." Richie was stubborn, one of the only traits he developed from his father. "There's no way."

"So you've never seen the box? You must've seen it. You're staying at his house! Tell me that you didn't think to yourself, 'could he love me?'"

Richie looked at Mike with realisation, "how can I tell him how I feel, Homeschool?"

"I think you need to figure that part out by yourself, bud."

"Ugh, but I'm not good at romance! Look at me." Richie held out his arms, showing off his tall and lanky, awkward figure.

"I don't think he would expect you to be romantic." Mike assured him.

"I don't want to be boring and grey though."

"No, but you could be alluring and gay!" Mike rhymed with Richie's sentence, laughing quietly to himself.

"Not funny."

"Okay, okay. Just, when the time feels right, just 'come on out' and say it, man."

"You think so?"

"I know so. I'm a real ladies' man." Mike pointed to himself, smirking, knowing he had a golden tongue.

"Eddie's not a lady." Richie crossed his arms.

"He's more of a lady than Beverly, Richie."

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