you are what you eat

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"Hey, flamer!"

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"Hey, flamer!"

Stanley Uris was pushed to the ground by Victor Criss, who didn't fill Patrick's old position very well. His hair was just ridiculous.

"Leave me alone, you dick!" Stanley rarely spoke back to bullies, afraid of the consequences.

He was a very nervous person, only confiding his secrets to his best friend, William Denbrough. Only Bill got the honour of bird-watching with 'gay Uris'.

While Victor was messing with Stan, Belch was burping in Bill's face like an animal with weird methane-execution tendencies. He was like a very gaseous toddler. A gas baby if you will.

"You-you're duh-disgusting!"

Over the years that the losers club was separated, the bullying never ceased, despite the slight lack of bullies. But something that did change was Bill and Stan's backtalk. Stan even took up tai-chi in order to become 'at peace with himself' (Bill had no clue what that meant) and it helped him win back the confidence that he lost after the whole Pennywise fiasco.

Bill, however, took up karate. He wanted something to fill his life with that would make him physically stronger to protect both himself and Stan. Bill would never say this out loud (and he wasn't sure if he could) but he cared more for Stan than he'd liked to admit.

Bill punched Belch's stomach, giving him a long enough time-frame to escape and grab Stan. Grabbing Stan's hand, they ran into the school, which was coincidentally just beginning.

Eddie and Richie rode in on their bikes towards the bike rack. Eddie recognised Bill's bike, 'Silver'. Richie would call it an 'old lady bike' to mess with Bill sometimes.

"Freddie Kaspbrak." Of course Greta Bowie was standing in front of Richie and Eddie.

Eddie was starting to worry about class starting. Him and Richie were still by the bike racks!

"Um, it's actually Eddie-"

"Yeah, Teddie, whatever. How does it feel to be the only girl in school who hasn't hit puberty?"

That was a very sensitive topic for Eddie. He was not a girl. His mother could control him even when she wasn't near him. He was not a girl and he was going through puberty (finally).

"Fuck off, Greta Blowie." Richie said in defence, subtly pushing Eddie behind him.

"Greta, don't you have a car to crash?" Eddie spoke quietly. Richie gawked and looked at him, shocked.

"That was one time, you douchebag!" She walked off with that, into the school, and to whatever low-level class she had first.

"Eddie, when did you become such a badass?"

"When I learnt that I was allowed to."

Eleven Byers hated Spanish class. Why? She didn't even know full English yet. She was going to just confuse herself. She always carried an English dictionary with her and she longed to be called a nerd or a geek because she would've loved to be seen as smart (even in an uncool way). Instead, she got called freak or weirdo. Sometimes she was even called 'El the Ripper', just because she was powerful and people were scared of her.

Will loved Spanish class. Why? He wanted to explore the world, and this was his first proper destination. Moving from Indiana to Maine was crazy in itself, but from Hawkins to Derry? It was a shit-show. He wanted to go to Spain or to Italy. Maybe he would even take Eddie with him and save him from his overbearing mother. It wasn't just an idea, it was a plan. He wanted to forget the assholes that he'd met and move to Alaska or something interesting like that. He would of course visit his family and friends though. Perhaps he could convince Mike Wheeler to come along too. He liked Mike.

Eddie was stuck with, not Spanish, but design and technology. He loved this class, especially at that specific time of year when they would work with sewing. Most people weren't surprised the girly boy loved to sew and stitch and knit, but Eddie didn't care. He loved to create, was that so wrong? They could call him a girly boy all they wanted, but at the end of the day, David Bowie and Freddie Mercury were considered 'girly' and they were fucking awesome.

Richie was nearly asleep in his economics class. Who needed to know this shit anyway? Richie doubted he'd ever have enough money to worry about how he spent and stored it. Why in the fuck would he invest in something? Only dickheads do that. But the one interesting thing about being in the economics class was that Stanley Uris took that class. Richie was seated at the back and could see the wispy, curly hair that belonged to his old friend.

Richie decided there and then that he would 'man-up' so to speak, and talk to his hilariously sarcastic friend for the first time in nearly three years.

The class went by painfully slow, making him want to tear his hair out. But his hair was his best feature in his opinion (along with something that anyone could guess - his dick). Stanley was incredibly into his work, taking notes and nodding like he was in a university lecture.

Richie knew that he could be brave and just do it, but he also knew that he was anxious. What would he even say? The bell rang, signalling everyone to go to their next class, signalling Richie to catch up with the tall and wise Stanley Uris.

"Stanley Urine! Budd-o, friend-o, I've missed you so!" The worst part about what Richie said was the fact that he said it in a Southern accent. He knew that he'd fucked up, but he just kept rolling with it.

"You're a jerk-off." Stan said, not hesitating due to Richie's classic bullshit.

"Woah there, partner. This town is big enough for the both of us if you subtract my dick from the equation." Richie just couldn't help himself. He knew that talking about his dick would trigger Stan to revert back to his original state. Annoyed bitch.

"Well, your mind can be at-ease, you don't have to subtract anything."

"I've missed you, Stanny boy." Richie threw his arm around Stan's shoulders, Stan rolling his eyes and shrugging his arm off.

"I haven't missed you. You're a puss wad."

"A puss wad?"

"Yeah, a big wad of puss."

It was silent for just a moment before Richie burst out laughing. Even Stan cracked a small smile, which only Bill seemed to be able to do anymore (or so he thought).

"Come hang out with me and my friends at lunch. Oh, and bring Bill too. I know that you two are fuck-buddies."

"We are not fuck-buddies or whatever. We're best friends and you're a dick."

"You are what you eat." It slipped out of Richie's mouth.

"Wait- what?"

"Gotta go!"

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