people do crazy things when they're in love

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Richie and Will walked back into the cafeteria only to see a very furious Belch Huggins with spaghetti all over him, holding Stanley Uris by the collar

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Richie and Will walked back into the cafeteria only to see a very furious Belch Huggins with spaghetti all over him, holding Stanley Uris by the collar.

The backstory was simple.


"Oh, it is Babill and Stastan."

"It's Bill and Stan." Eddie told Eleven, trying to hide a smile.

"They should get married."

Stan began to choke on his spaghetti, with Bill hitting his back.

"Don't worry guys, she says the same thing about me and Richie. She just says it to people who are really good friends." Eddie said. El may have been a little bit lower in education, but she knew well enough what she was doing.

Belch and Victor strolled over, which caused most of the cafeteria to turn and look. Belch had a carton of milk in his hand.

"Hey, fairies, enjoying your lunch?" With that, Belch poured the milk all over Bill.

Stan, acting out of instinct and possibly passion, threw his spaghetti all over Victor and Belch.

Bill was shivering, but couldn't help but stare in awe of his hero.

Belch picked Stan up by his collar, "you'll always be a fag."

"You'll always be a disappointment to your parents." Stan snapped back.

"Sounds like you're talking about yourself, punk."

Stan spat in Belch's face just as a teacher came in and broke them apart. Richie and Will couldn't believe their eyes.

Eddie, El, and Bill just sat in awe and confusion. Bill had milk dripping all over him, but he didn't cry like he usually would. Instead, he tried to hold back a smile. Stan risked it all just to avenge him.

The two boys were escorted to the principal's office, leaving the cafeteria to murmur among themselves.

Richie and Will grabbed their lunch trays and came over to sit with their friends. "That was actually insane!" Will exclaimed, sitting next to Bill. Richie sat with Eddie and fed him a grape.

"I-I-I c-can't bel-believe Stan duh-did that f-for me."

"People do crazy things when they're in love." El mumbled.



Eleven was extremely jealous of Bill and Stan's (obviously not platonic) relationship. Of course, she loved Mike, but the emotions seemed to fade, leaving her in a very confused state. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." She stood up, leaving her food to walk in the opposite direction of the bathroom.

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