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Eleven Byers awoke with a screech

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Eleven Byers awoke with a screech. Her nightmare consisted of Hopper freezing to death in a very snowy land. Much snowier than Derry, which was nearing into spring. The place must've been high up on a world map.

She calmed herself down and looked at her calendar. "Wed-nes-day." She mispronounced It upon reading it but spoke again, "Wednesday."

Her powers still worked, but only just. The other day, she could only fling a pencil at someone with her mind. The extent of her powers were still healing, but she wanted to give them time.

She walked to the kitchen and saw Will sitting and eating some toast. Her waffles were already set out for her so she walked towards them. "Did you tell her?"

"Yeah." Will knew exactly what she was asking.

Eleven smiled and hugged Will, who gladly hugged her back. The two of them had a strange bond that seemingly appeared out of no where as soon as they moved to Derry together, but prior to that, they seemed connected somehow. What they didn't know was that they really were connected in a very obscure way.

They separated from their hug and ate their breakfast together, discussing the day ahead of them.

Stan loved Wednesdays. It was in the middle of the week, generally calm and generic (similar to Stan himself). After what had happened the night before, he was still in a state of shock. Him and Bill kissed. They'd never discussed their feelings before and suddenly the atmosphere around them was different and probably would be forever.

Richie woke up first, his arms still wrapped around Eddie's dainty figure. He yawned lightly and stretched, trying not to wake Eddie up. Eddie's clock said that it was 7:30am and Richie knew that Eddie hated being late for school, so he decided to lightly shake him from his slumber.

Eddie awoke from the best sleep he'd had in years. The heat from Richie's embrace comforted him and erased the nightmares of the clown. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up." Richie smirked, getting out of the bed and scratching his head. Eddie rolled his eyes even as he was feeling ecstatic after cuddling all night with Richie. "You know you snore in your sleep, cuddle-bug."

"I do not." Eddie denied it.

"It's okay, I snore too. But yours sounded like moaning-" Richie was only joking, but got jabbed in the ribs by the short, angry force of Eddie Kaspbrak.

"You are disgusting!"

"You love it, Eds." Richie's grin overtook his face, no longer a smirk, but an expression saying 'I love you so much that it's painful.' "You're cute when you're angry." He ruffled Eddie's hair and walked over to the bathroom connected to Eddie's room.

Eddie could only hope that his mother wasn't aware of Richie's stay at the house. He reached up and tapped the side of Richie's face, meaning it to be a slap.

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