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"The name's Xavier

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"The name's Xavier." The boy named Xavier smirked.

Xavier's smirk was god awful. Eddie just about threw up in his mouth thinking about that smile. It was so very obvious that this douchebag was a 'piece of work'. His overall aesthetic was god-awful, consisting of a jacket without sleeves and saggy jeans. But Jesus Christ, his smirk was gut-wrenching.

Richie smirked on occasion, but Eddie liked his smirk so that worked out well.

"Why don't you and your friends fuck off?" Richie snapped, still protecting Eddie.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why the hell not?"

"Me and my friends here are big fans of fairytales." Xavier chuckled, causing a chain reaction amongst his friend. "We thought maybe you'd know a few fairytales."

"Oh fuck off, that's not even smart!" Richie shouted, shielding Eddie from whatever was to happen.

The bully pulled his fist back, reaching to launch like a space ship.

Richie would gladly take a hit for Eddie. He would take a million. He would endure Pennywise all over again if he had to, and he probably would have to.

But Richie had a better idea than getting hit.

In a flash, the bully held his nose, which was flowing blood out faster than Eddie could say 'golly gosh gee whiz.'

"Golly gosh gee whiz, Richie!" Eddie exclaimed, staring in awe at the figure on the ground.

There were still four more homophobic bratty boys surrounding the teens.

"We outnumber you, jackass." One of the boys said. "Do you really want to chance it?" The bullies laughed, the main bully standing and pinching his nose carefully.

"Nope!" Eddie shouted quickly, grabbing Richie's arm as they stormed away, grabbing their bikes at the speed of lightning. Eddie could almost feel the thunder coming closer, (a pack of homophobic boys). The rain swaddled them, cradling them like small infants. Their bikes were sparking with electricity, just as their hearts were at that very moment.

The storm was closer now, Richie could feel it too now. Was he a coward? No. Every creature fears the storm. Even if the storm wasn't truly there.

"Richie! I can't keep up! I can't do it!" Eddie squealed, pedalling his bike with the speed of a singular raindrop, his face wet with rain- or tears. They were tears.

"Yes you can, Eds! You're braver than you think!" Richie yelled into the streets of Derry. The morning had been so calm, but there was always calm before the storm.

Eddie pedalled faster and faster, catching up to Richie fast riding. The bullies kept running after them, just like birds outrunning rain and hiding into the trees.

"Richie, I-" Eddie was cut off by Xavier throwing a rock into his wheel, knocking him onto the ground.

"Eds!" Richie screamed, throwing his bike carelessly and bounded over to the chaos, the eye of the hurricane. Wind blew and blew, chilling Richie to the core.

Eddie's face, arms, and legs were all scratched up from the tumble down and the boys came towards them.

Richie knew he was in for it.

"Rich-" Eddie tried to talk, but was exhausted from all the Adrenalin he used.

"Alright, faggots, you're gonna regret messing with us. You just like dudes cause you're too ugly to get a girl, Tozier."

"He's the most handsome dude I've ever met!" Eddie shouted breathlessly from his place on the ground.

Richie's heart pounded in his chest. Handsome? Him? He couldn't believe it. Eddie Kaspbrak Just called him handsome. But there were more important things happening.

"Oh, you're just asking for it now, shorty." Xavier snickered, reaching to pick Eddie up by his pink collar.

Richie smacked his hand away and trudged off, dragging Eddie with him. "Rich- our bikes-"

"I know, Eddie, but we gotta go."

Eddie silently agreed and attempted to sprint with Richie to the closest home they knew of- Mike Hanlon's.

"Do you think he'll be mad at me?" Eddie asked quietly when they made it to the barn.

"Why would he be mad?" Richie responded, narrowing his large eyes.

"I haven't talked to him since the blood oath."

"He won't be mad. He's Mike Hanlon!"

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