i don't want god to hate me

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Will Byers felt stuck in his own body

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Will Byers felt stuck in his own body. He wanted so badly be out of the cage that was called his mind. He had an experience like no other. It was a good thing that he was small because he was hiding from a monster. After all the trauma of being possessed and linked with the creature, he was in Derry of all places, hiding from other kinds of monsters. Teenagers.

He was so lucky that he had Eleven and Eddie, perhaps even Richie (the more the merrier). But as lunch rolled around, it didn't seem to be enough.

"Hey, faggot!" A dumb jock yelled in the cafeteria.

Will wasn't doing a single thing wrong. He was just getting his lunch from the lunch lady and was on his way to his regular table.

He didn't look at the bully, knowing it would only encourage him. It seemed to have worked because the slight laughter in the room died down and everyone returned to chatting normally.

"Will, are you okay? You don't look so good." Eddie said, but in Will's eyes, everything was in slow motion. He felt the bile rising in his throat and his eyes were burning.

"I'll be right back."

He put his tray on the table and ran off and out of the cafeteria, plunging straight into something. Or someone.

"Will? Dude, you okay?" It was Richie. Although Richie could be seen as a real dickhead sometimes, he was compassionate and cared about everyone. Will may have been annoying, but he deserved sympathy too.

"I feel wrong." His statement was bland and hid under a veil.


"Something's not right."

"Yeah, that's what wrong means, doofus. Tell me what's happening." Richie couldn't help his trashmouth at the best of times. And he wanted this to be over sooner because he needed to figure out where he was going to live.

"I don't want God to hate me."

At this, Richie frowned. He didn't believe in God at all. He believed in a cosmic turtle more than a 'God'. If God existed, then why would he be this way? God hated fags and Richie considered himself one. Basically, he thought that religion sucked. However, he did respect other people's opinions (sometimes). Even though he was sceptical about God, he understood Will well enough.

Richie grabbed Will's arm softly, pulling them to a secluded spot. "Talk to me. If you're ashamed about something, that's okay 'cause I've probably done a lot worse. I did cocaine once-"

"I know about your crush on Eddie."

Everything went completely silent. Will kind of regretted blurting it out, but he knew that it had to be said.

'What in the fuck?' Richie thought. The kid must've been psychic or telepathic or some shit like that. But he was curious to see where this was going. "Excuse me?"

"It's extremely obvious."

And it was extremely obvious. The tall, lanky boy could joke and joke, but at the end of the day, anyone could see that he cared for the short and lovable boy. Will could've sworn that Richie was staring at Eddie's lips the day before.

"Well, I know about your crush on me." Richie was just bullshitting him now. He was trying to deflect the embarrassment onto Will (it was worth a try).

"Um, what?" Will was kind of offended. Richie raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Uh, I really need to tell you something kind of crazy. Like 'change your life' crazy."

"Didn't you already change my life? You literally just called me out in the middle of lunch."

"Just- ugh, shut up and let me speak."

"I'm all about crazy, so lay it on me, brotha'."


Richie didn't understand any of that. "What?"

"I know it's a lot to take in, but I think that you have a twin or something. And I'm in love with him, but ignore that."

"That's impossible though."

Will was having a hard time believing that Richie was so cool with talking about liking dudes. It was almost as if Richie forgot that people hated people like him.

"Is fighting a demonic clown impossible?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Eddie told me obviously."

Richie remembered something.

"You look a lot like my boyfriend." Eleven spoke.

"Is that meant to be a pick-up line?" Richie was bewildered and confused.

"He's my ex-boyfriend now because we moved away from Indiana. I think he likes someone else anyway."

Will was in love with a boy who looked exactly like him. A boy from Indiana. How had he not seen it before?

A twin? It was a crazy idea to Richie, but at the same time it was plausible. What was he like? Did he make jokes like Richie did? Did he have abusive parents? Did he like video games? Did he have friends? What were they like? Did he know about him? What was his name?

"What's his name?"

"Mike Wheeler."

"That's a gay name."

Will chuckled softly, "you're literally in love with a boy who looks like a turtle. I don't think Mike's the gay one in this conversation."

"Well he is a very sexy turtle then."

"Hey, I may be supportive, but he's still my friend so watch it."

"A very cute turtle with good hygiene. Besides, you're in love with a boy called Mike Wheeler, I really underestimated you. I had a feeling you were into that though."

"I just don't know how I'm gonna tell my mom."

"Oh honey, look at you. I think she already knows." Although Richie's humour was still in check, he couldn't ignore the strange feeling of knowing that he could have a twin.

Whilst the conversation between Richie and Will continued, Bill and Stan searched for Richie and his friends to sit down with. Richie had warned Eddie prior so as soon as the boys made eye contact with him, he waved them over.

"Heh-hey, Eddie." Bill stuttered in his usual way, sitting in an empty space at the table. As soon as he looked up, he saw a familiar face. It was the girl who almost outed him in cooking class.


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