edward kaspbrak

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After Richie and Eddie left the school with their bikes, they rode back to Eddie's house

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After Richie and Eddie left the school with their bikes, they rode back to Eddie's house.

"You go up to my window and I'll go in the front door." Eddie whispered to Richie.

Richie began to climb the tree up to Eddie's room and Eddie went in through the door, coming face-to-face with his (quite terrifying) mother. "Where have you been, Eddie? You missed your breakfast this morning and left without a kiss! Now you're here a seven o'clock with bruises on your arms."

She yanked him into the house, slamming the door behind her. "Take your pills and go to bed." She had a nasty grimace on her face.

"What about dinner?" Eddie knew it was a long-shot, but he'd been surviving on school food and whatever Richie can buy with quarters and dimes.

"I'll make sure that you never see dinner again." She grabbed Eddie's wrist, pulling him inside the house and slamming the door behind her. "Tonight, you are to take your pills and go to bed immediately. Good boys watch their weight."

Eddie was scared. His mother was obviously a psychopath or something considering that she's telling him to watch his weight when she was the obese one. Sonia was an abuser and Eddie would never admit that to himself. She treated him like dirt, not like a son.

She pushed him towards the stairs and he walked up to his room, turning to look back at his insane mother.

He got to his room, opened the door, and saw Richie reading one of his comics. "It's okay, she went to watch tv."

"Aren't you meant to be eating right now?"

"I'm pretty sure she won't be feeding me ever again."

"Jesus. This is getting fucking crazy. We need to call the cops or something."

"If we call the cops, my house will just become a crime scene, then we're both homeless."

Richie sighed, placing the comic back where he found it. "Well, we need you fed."

"Yeah, I know." Eddie went into his bathroom with the specific pills he was meant to take and flushed them down the toilet. "I don't have any money though."

"I still have a few coins. Back at my house, I have more money."

Richie's attempt at implying what needed to happen seemed to registered in Eddie's brain.

"So you're saying?"

"We need to sneak back into my house."

Eddie wasn't completely sure that the idea was a good one, but he decided to go along with it and before he knew it, him and Richie had duffel bags ready to collect Richie's things.

They crawled out of the window and onto the tree. The sky was turning dark and the boys both knew they'd have to be quick on their feet.

They were riding on their bikes to Richie's house, where there was a lack of sirens and red and blue lights. The house looked to be a crime scene, dead silent, no lights, tape around the area.

"Are you sure about this, Richie?" Eddie whispered, unsure of the consequences.

"One-hundred percent." Richie had a look of determination on his face as he pushed forward, dragging his bike with him. He dropped the bike onto his lawn as he passed the tape. Eddie followed, hesitant.

"Let's go in through my window." Richie whispered. Soft rain began to drip from the sky, resembling the transition from winter to spring.

They both climbed up to his window, Richie knowing that he left his window unlocked. They crawled in, seeing some of Richie's belongings missing.

"Where the fuck is my stuff?"

When his mother was arrested, a few detectives walked through the house, collecting any useful items for the investigation. They took his journal (which he wrote some very personal stuff in), some loose items around the room, and a hat or two (possibly for DNA).

"It's alright, let's just grab some stuff." Eddie reassured him. Richie took a deep breath and nodded, realising that they should be out of there as soon as possible.

Richie stuffed one duffel bag with his Hawaiian shirts, jackets, socks, undergarments, shoes, pants, shorts and other clothes.

Eddie went downstairs and stuffed the other duffel with any food he could find.

Suddenly, blaring police sirens came closer and closer to the house.

"Eddie!" Richie shouted, beckoning Eddie to come back up the stairs to him for their hasty escape.

One of the neighbour's must've seen the two boys sneaking into the house which seemed funny because one of them actually lived there.

Eddie rushed up the stairs to Richie and bumped into him, Richie steadying him with his arms. "Have you got everything?" Eddie asked.

"Just one more thing." Richie grabbed his Walkman.

"What about your cassette tapes?"

"I can make more but we need to go now!"

Eddie agreed but peeked at one of the tapes which was titled, 'Edward Kaspbrak'. Intrigued, he slid the tape into his small pocket and followed Richie out of the window.

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