apple pie, apple pie, apple pie

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Back at Mike's house, Eddie was sitting in shock

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Back at Mike's house, Eddie was sitting in shock. Was the Edward Kaspbrak tape an actual ode to Eddie? He thought he must've been dreaming. The boy that he'd had a crush on for years liked him back? And he made a mixtape! Who even does that unless they're in love?

Richie and Mike walked back into the room looking sure of themselves. Richie felt confident that he could talk to Eddie at some point and be honest about his feelings towards him. Mike also felt confident, but in the way that he felt proud of himself for reassuring his friend.

Eddie sat on the stool, looking and feeling frazzled. His eyes were slightly wide and his hair was strangely messy from fiddling with it in thought. His mouth was slightly ajar, with silent and shallow breaths coming out.

"Eds, are you okay?" Richie asked, worried. He made his way toward Eddie, Mike not far behind. Eddie shook his head. "What's wrong?"

"It- it's nothing. I have to go." Eddie stood from the stool, grasping his backpack straps in his small hands.

"You're leaving? There's an apple pie in the oven!" Mike reminded Eddie.

It was Eddie who'd asked for the pie in the first place, remembering the times when Mike would make his famous homemade apple pie for all of the losers to enjoy. Richie would always eat the most, he was so greedy. Stan wouldn't eat much, not wanting to take anything from anyone, but Bill would always get Stan to eat more. Ben, feeling embarrassed about his body, refused to eat any at all until Beverly reassured and ate like a pig to make him feel better. Mike only had a small amount of pie because he considered it to be a gift to the losers for being his friend. Eddie would always take one slice and store it in a small container to eat it at home.

The losers (excluding Mike) rode their bikes to the Hanlon farm, intending on hanging out with Mike.

"Boy, I'm feeling peckish, chaps!" Richie said in a horrible British accent, laughing like a crazy man.

"It's homemade apple pie time!" Beverly sang in her worst singing voice. The song went to the tune of 'let it snow'.

"Pie time is the best time." Ben began to sing as well.

"I DON'T WANT NO KEY LIME!" Richie sang in his best Louis Armstrong impersonation.

"Apple pie, apple pie, apple pie!" All of the losers sang together.

Eddie laughed, feeling the wind in his short hair. He looked toward Richie, still laughing lightly at his funny impression. The feeling of being in love was something that Eddie wasn't very used to at all.

"Hanlon makes the best pie!" They all continued.

"Use your strong hands, daddy!" Richie sang, highjacking the song with a new line, fake moaning, causing all of the losers to laugh.

"The pie's so good we could cry!" They all sang.

"Apple pie, apple pie, apple pie!"

They arrived at the door, where Mike appeared wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron, holding a steaming pie with oven mits on. "Who wants apple pie?" He smiled.

They all rushed inside, squealing with joy.

It was the simplest of moments in the losers' lives that brought them such joy.

"I'm so sorry, Mike. I know I asked for the pie but I've just- I've gotta go." Eddie left.

Richie watched as the door closed.

"I think you need to go after him, man." Mike said.

"What if I did something?" Richie's fingers were trembling. Had he upset Eddie?

"Did you?"

"I don't know." Richie grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulders. "I should go find him. Sorry about the pie, Mike."

"It's okay. Baking pie brings back good memories." The timer made a 'ding' sound. "You know what, I'll put the pie in a container and you can take it to Eddie. Pie cheers everyone up."

Richie nodded with a small smile. Mike handed the large container to Richie, which he accepted.

Without his bike, Eddie couldn't have gone far. Richie didn't have his bike either, which made things all the more difficult.

"Eddie! I don't know what I did wrong, but I promise if you come here then I'll let you yell at me for it!" Richie yelled. "I brought the pie if that changes anything!" He thought for a moment and remembered...

"Eddie, why are you leaving? We're gonna play board games soon!" Richie said, watching Eddie with his single slice of pie, leaving the house.

"I can't be here." Eddie said quietly. If Eddie had told the truth, he would've said something like 'I'm in love with you and I'm scared'.

Eddie turned to leave.

"Bubba?" The word slipped out of Richie's mouth.

Eddie turned around with a blush on his face. "That's a horrible nickname." He lied.

"Please stay." Richie whispered, just loud enough for Eddie to hear.

It was silent for a moment, but Eddie's senses took over, "okay."

"Eddie! Please! Where are you?" Richie shouted, growing worried. The bullies could've found him (or worse, his mother).

Finally, Richie grew impatient. "Bubba!"

"That's a horrible nickname." He heard a quiet voice from his left.

Eddie stood, coming out of his hiding place from behind a tree.

"I only use it for dire circumstances." Richie admitted. Eddie was closer to him now, their faces close.

"Is this a dire circumstance?" Eddie said.

"I don't want you getting hurt."

Eddie felt Richie's hot breath on his face from how close they were. There was a light smell of cigarettes on Richie's breath (only just). Richie placed the pie container on the ground, knowing something big was about to happen.

"Why'd you run off like that?" Richie asked.

Neither of the boys made an effort to back away from each other. In fact, it seemed that they were moving closer.

"I was scared." Eddie admitted.

"Of what?" Richie pressed on.

"Of you."

"Why would you be scared of me?"

"I- it's complicated."

"I consider myself to be very smart and understanding."

"You'll laugh at me."

"I wouldn't do that."

There was a pause and their faces were almost touching.

"I don't know what to tell you, Richie."

"Then show me."

Eddie stood a little higher and took a deep breath.

The world stopped.

It was only Eddie and Richie. Richie and Eddie.

Their lips collided in a fit of passion, anger, confusion, and desperation.

Richie always had the questions, but then when their lips touched, he discovered that Eddie had the answers the whole time.

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