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Amy's P.O.V.

I can't believe I'm coming back. After ten years of being gone, I'm returning. I have long quills now. I am wearing a pink and white sundress. I have a straw hat on. It has a big brim on it. It has a red rose on it. I have white sandals on. I have a silver heart necklace on. I have white rose earrings on. I have a pink purse with my hot pink IPhone 6. I'm in my pink mustang. I took in a deep breath as I entered Mobius once again. It's been too long and I miss my friends. One in particular.   

I pulled up to a house that I bought. It is my old house. It's a four bed-room house. It's red, pink, and white. I love it. I walked into the kitchen. Breathtaking. It still has the white tiles and the pink sinks, ovens, microwaves, and other kitchen stuff. I walked into the dining room. It has a six person table with red chairs, a white table, and a pink covering. I walked into the living room. I have a 40"-screen T.V. My pink comfy couch is lying where it used to be. I looked at my red chairs and my white carpet. I love the pink walls. 

I took a deep sigh. I missed home. I went upstairs into my bedroom. Everything was pink, white, and red. My bed is pink, my pillows are white, my carpet is red, my walls are pink. I have a white A above my bed. My dresser is pink and my table is white. My guest rooms are white. I have three guest rooms. I put my purse on my table and took out my phone. I called a number. Dialing . . . dialing . . . dialing . . . 

"Hello?" Tail asks. "Hey Tails. Come to my old house." I said and hung up. I waited. I hear a voice. at the other end of the door. "Hello? Is someone here Amy wants me to meet?" Tails asked. I open the door wide and give Tails a hug. "Oh Tails. I've missed you so much." I said. I was giving him one of m rare light hugs. "A-Am-Amy? Amy!" Tails exclaimed hugging me back. "Where did you go?" Tails asked releasing the hug. "Places. I needed to go away after Sally and Sonic started dating. It hurt my heart too much. Good thing I forgot about him." I said with a smile. 

I did love Sonic, or at least I thought I did. I was just a fangirl. It wasn't real love. I chuckled at my old self. I am much older now. I'm not some stupid little fangirl chasing Sonic the hedgehog. "So, have Sonic and Sally gotten married yet?" I asked. Tails shook his head. "Nope. Shortly after you left, Sonic found out you moved and broke-up with Sally. Apparently he was just trying to get you jealous and make a move on him." Tails said. I looked at him quizzically. "Why would he do that? He knew I lked him. I didn't hide it." I said. "You mean loved." Tails corrected. "Nope, liked. I just thought I loved him. But I'm much more mature now. I'm not just some fangirl chasing after Sonic. I'm different now.

"How's Shadow?" I asked. "Oh, no ones seen him since you moved. He just... disappeared like he was never here." Tails said kind of scared. "Oh." I said disappointed. "What's wrong?" Tails asked. "Oh. Nothing." I said in a happy voice. "Oh, okay." Tails said. Tails might be smart but still has the brain of a guy and doesn't see when something is wrong with a girl. Only Shadow saw. I sighed. "Well, I better start making dinner. It's getting late." I finalized. I looked at my white watch Ricardo my ex gave to me. It is 6:30 p.m. I smiled and waved to Tails and said, "Bye Tails!" "Bye Amy! Nice to see you again!'' Tails said waving back. "Dido." I replied. 

I looked at my watch and sighed. I missed Ricardo. I missed his green fur. How he purred like a cat when I petted him. I mean, he is a cat so why do I expect any different. I sighed. I would sometimes get lost in his sparkling purple eyes. Man, how I missed him. He really go me and understood me. He was my real first true love. I remember when we first met.


I was walking down the street. I just left Mobius. I'm scared. I am walking in a big city called New York City. I put my ears down. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone. I backed away. "Hey watch..." the person started and looked at me. Their gaze softening. "Sorry. It's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going and..." I rambled. The person chuckled. "You're not from around here, are you?" the person who I decided was a 'he' asked. My eyes went wide. "Ho-How did you know?" I asked. "I know a New Yoker when I see one and they never apologize. Bye the way, I'm Ricardo." Ricardo said and put his hand out. I shook it. "I'm Rose, Amy Rose. Do I really stick out that much?" I asked blushing from embarrassment. Ricardo nodded. "Kind of. Don't worry, you will soon see what I mean. You are staying, aren't you?" Ricardo asked hopeful. "I wasn't planning on it. I just left my old home. I didn't know where to go other than here. I might stay if I don't have to sleep on the sidewalk." I finalized. Ricardo grinned. "I know where you can work, come on!" Ricardo said grabbing my hand and leading me through the maze of people. We got to a flower shop that had a sign that says 'HELP WANTED'. "Thanks!" I exclaimed. "No prob. Here, so we can stay in touch." he replied and gave me a piece of paper with a number on it. I blushed. "Thanks." I said happily. We said our goodbyes and I headed inside.

*end of flashback*

I smiled. I also remember how we broke-up.


I had tears in my eyes as I read the letter over and over again. "You have to leave? To fight some stupid war?" I asked sadly and angrily. Ricardo nodded. "They gave me no choice. I'm being forced to do this." Ricardo said sadly. "But I love you! I can't lose you! Not to a stupid war!" I yelled angrily hit tears running down my face. "Hey, hey. Look at me. I promise I'll live and I'll see your beautiful face again. I'll track you down to the ends of the Earth for you. Wait for me okay? If I don't come back in four years, you can move. Just wait for me that long. Promise?" He asked. I said, "I promise." I said and gave him a big hug and watched as he walked out of my life.

*end of flashback*

I felt new tears on my face. I kept my promise. I moved to Chicago and lived there two years then moved here. I was in New York City for eight years and with Ricardo for four. I haven't heard from him since so I assume he's dead.

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