Boy or Girl?

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Shadow's P.O.V.

Amy was hooked up to the ultra sound. The doctor looked at the screen. "Are you sure you want to know the gender?" Dr. Dill asks unsure. I look at Amy and she smiles. I look back at the doctor and smile. I nod. "We're sure." I say confidently. Dr. Dill nods and looks at it. "It's a boy." Dr. Dill says with a smile. I look at Amy and smile. "It's a boy." I whisper. She smiles at me tears in her eyes. "It's a boy." she whispers back. I smile at her while she rubs the little bump on her stomach. Amy gets up and we thank Dr. Dill. We walk to the car hand in hand with her head on my shoulder. "We're gonna have another boy. Henry's going to be six years older than our little boy. What should we name him?" Amy asks entering the car. "I don't know but we have eight months to discuss it." I say happily and we drive home. Amy called all our friends and her  family and told them the news. Maria enters the room Ricardo trailing behind. Maria and Ricardo are inseparable and I think they're going to be together soon. Everyone sees that they like each other except them. They just need to realize it. "So, is it a boy or a girl?" Maria asks. Henry enters the room. "Mommy! Mommy! Am I having a brother or sister?!" Henry asks eagerly. Amy giggles at his enthusiasm. "You're having a brother." Amy answers.

Henry's P.O.V.

"You're having a brother." mommy answers. I smile and jump up and down. "Yay! I'm having a brother!" I exclaim happily. Mommy giggles. "Bedtime Henry. It's seven thirty." mommy says pointing to her white watch. I nod. I hug mommy, daddy, Auntie Maria, and Uncie Ric goodnight. I go in my bed and fall asleep. I dream of a little brother playing with me. My dream shifts and I see him grown up and fighting with me against the men who captured me. I wake up and my eyes go wide. Oh-no.

(A/N) Happy New Year's! Hey guys I'm almost done with the story. I might do a chapter or two more then it'll be over. Thanks for voting and Happy New Year! 

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