Old Friends, New Rivals

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Amy's P.O.V.

(The next day)

I look at the clock. 12:00 p.m. I hear the bell ring and see Cream. "Hi Ms. Amy." Cream says sweetly. Cream might be an adult now but she hasn't changed one bit. When I left she was ten. How the time passes. "Hi Cream. Ready to start the interview?" I ask. "Sure!" Cream says happily. I start asking her questions like, Where are you from?, Mobius, How old are you?, twenty, Why do you want to work here?, because I love to bake. Perfect! She's perfect! "Great! You're hired!" I exclaim. "Really?" she asks. I nod. She grins ear-to-ear. "When do I start?" she asks. "Asap." I answer. "Okay. I got to go home and change out of my dress." Cream says hurriedly. I nod an okay. I hear the bell ring signaling she was gone. I sighed. I really do hate being alone. Being alone waiting for Ricardo made me realize that. I sighed as a few silent tears ran down my cheeks. I was so self absorbed I didn't hear Sonic come in.

"Ames?'' Sonic asked. I looked up and saw Sonic. I quickly wiped my tears away. "Oh. Hey Sonic." I said not excited. He tilted his head. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Nothing that concerns you!" I snap out of anger. I really didn't want to talk about my feelings to Sonic. Especially what he did to me. He looked shocked that I snapped at him like that. I felt guilty. I sighed. I didn't look at him. I may feel guilty but I'm still not going to talk to him. "You look nice." Sonic said trying to change the subject. I looked down and saw what he meant. I have a white T-Shirt on with a big pink rose print on it. I have white jeans on. I have my red and white Nike tennis shoes on. I have my earrings, necklace, and rings that I had on yesterday. Instead of my quills being down they're in a ponytail. I realized what he was trying to do and I fumed.

"Don't think you can change the subject by complimenting me! Don't be all gushy now! I heard how you played with Sally's emotions trying to make me jealous! What I don't understand is why you broke-up with me to be with her if you liked me all along?" I asked angrily. His ears went down. "I was trying to see if you would fight for me. I didn't know you would move. I loved you Ames and I still do. Please be mine again. Won't you?" he asked. I looked at him dead in the eyes and saw he meant every word of it. "I thought you loved me, and for a while, I thought I loved you too. But I was wrong. I never truly loved you. I've only truly loved one person, and he's gone. So if you came here to tear me down and play with my feelings you can get out! Unless you came here to buy something." I spat. His ears went down. "You don't mean that Ames." Sonic started. I held up my hand to stop him. "Yes, I do Sonic. So unless you're buying something get out!" I yelled pointing to the door. I was fuming. He hung his head low with his ears still down, and walked out. I now considered Sonic the hedgehog my sworn enemy.

I heard the bell ring signaling he was gone. I sighed. I was glad he was gone. I heard the bell ring again and thought it was Cream. I looked up and was startled. It was Sally. And if looks could kill, I'd be ten feet under. "How dare you steal my Sonic away! You knew he liked you and you just had to leave making him break-up with me waiting for you to return! Now he won't date anyone else but you! You're a boyfriend stealer! You hear me?! A boyfriend stealer!" Sally yelled. My eyes softened. I knew Sonic hurt Sally, but he didn't just break her heart, he broke our friendship. I cried for my hurt friend. I let the tears flow. Her face softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you would cry." Sally said softly. "No, no. It's not you. I'm just hurt he hurt you. I'm also angry at him for hurting you. I just sent him away. He tried to win me back but I rejected him. A guy that doesn't like you for you doesn't deserve you. You are beautiful and deserve better than that scoundrel." I spat that last part because I'm angry at Sonic for treating Sally this way. "I found out he broke-up with you because of me and for that I am truly sorry." I said letting the tears flow. Her eyes softened. She let her tears flow. "Oh Amy! I'm so sorry for yelling at you! I just really like Sonic and when I found out he was using me I looked for someone to blame. I'm sorry Amy. Friends?" Sally asked and put her hand out. I smiled. "Friends." I said shaking her hand. "So you're hiring?" Sally asked. I nodded. "Can I have an application?" she asked. I nodded again and handed her one. I gave her a pen to fill it out. She was done in ten minutes top. "Here." she smiled. I looked over it. She's perfect! "You got the job. You can start working asap." I smiled. "Great!" she says going behind the counter. She hasn't changed one bit. She looks exactly the same except she wears jeans and a tank top. She put an apron on. "You want me to start cooking?" she asked. I nodded. She smiled and headed to the kitchen. I heard the bell ring and saw Cream and all of my friends.

"Sorry I'm late. Some people wanted to see you." Cream said motioning to all of my friends. I smiled. I gave everyone a hug. Cream changed into a caramel colored T-Shirt, worn out blue jeans, and cream colored tennis shoes. She walled behind the counter and put an apron on. I did the same thing. She was handling the costumers as I was working the cashier.

After everyone got their food and was eating, I heard the bell ring and looked up. I gasped. It was Shadow.

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