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Amy's P.O.V.

Shadow was driving and I refused to let go of Henry. I was sobbing in his shoulder. "Auntie, I'm okay. You can let go now." Henry said stroking my quills. I loosened my grip but still wouldn't let go. "No Henry. What if I loose you again. I can't handle that. At least 'till you get back to your parents. Then I'll let you go. Promise." I say into his shoulder. He nods. We get back and I carry him out of the jet. My eyes are now red but at least I stopped crying. My brother and his wife run over and I reluctantly hand Henry over.

"Thanks Amy." Alex says. "Thank you for bringing our baby back." Alexis says. They're hugging him. "It wasn't me. It was Sally. She gained control and escaped with Henry. I just had him in my jet. You should be thanking Sally." I explain. "Where is she?" Alexis asks. "She's over there next to Sonic." I say pointing to her. Their eyes widen and they hold Henry back and back away. "She! She's the one to thank! She took him in the first place!" Alex explodes. Henry hits him with his orange piko hammer which makes Alex drop him. "No! She's amazing! She didn't think she had any control but I helped her show her she did! She was gulible and believed them when they said she had no control! It wasn't her fault! I owe my life to her! So don't speak bad of her! Auntie trusts her so I do to! So should you! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" Henry chewed his parents out. Sally came over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder calming him down.

"No, it's okay Henry." Sally says. "No it's not!" Henry yells crying. Sally wipes his tears. "No, I understand. I did take you in the first place. They have every right to be angry. I do apoligize Mr. and Mrs. Rose. I hope that one day you can come to forgive me. I also hope one day you will let me be around Henry. Until then, I'll stay away." Sally says. "No!" Henry exclaims crying harder. Sall shook her head. She hugged him. "I don't want to stay away either but I'm not your parents. You'll have to listen to them and I'll honor their wishes. Until they want me to be around, goodbye Henry." Sally said as a few stray tears came down her face. "Goodbye Sally. I'll miss you." Henry said sadly. "I'll miss you to." Sally said giving him a final squeeze before releasing him. "Niw that you've said your goodbye's leave!" Alez said angrily. "As you wish." Sally said and she went back to Sonic her head hung low. Anger boiled in my vains. Don't they care for Henry at all?

"Are you guys heartless?!" I ask my brother and sister-in-law angrily. "We now what's best for him." Alex says. He was holding a struggiling Henry. "I want to go with Auntie!" Henry whined. Alex ignored him so did Alexis. I clenched my jaw. "Obviously you don't! Sally is crying and so is Henry! Sally personally apoligized and feels really guilty for what she's done. Aren't you listening to you sons pleas?" I ask. "Sally should feel guilty. She's unsafe for Henry and we have to protect him." Alexis said. "Mommy and daddy beat me at home!" Henry says. Everyone falls quiet. "Shut up!" Alex says quietly. Henry hits his father with his hammer and runs to me and I pick him up while Alex rubs his head. "W-what?" I ask in disnelief. "Mommy and daddy beat me at home. That's why when you come to visit I have bruises. They said if I told they would kill me so I stayed quiet." Henry explained. I looked at my brother and his wife. Anger flowing in my adrenaline. "So he's not clumsy. You beat him!" I accuse at them. Their eyes widen as I hold Henry defensively. "N-no." Alex lies. "You're a terrible liar Alex! I can't believe this!" I say. I look at Sally and she nods in understandment. I look back at them. "Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles, everyone, will you please surrond them so they can't leave? Except for you Sally." I order. Everyone does and Sally reports the to the police. "They're on their way." she says. I nod and in ten minutes the police come and take them.

"We'll have to take Henry too ma'am." a police officer says. "No, you don't. I'm adopting him. I'm the most capable relative he has to take care of him." I say. He nods abd they leave. "Let's go home Henry. Our home." I say and Shadow, Henry, and I go home.

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