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Amy's P.O.V.

*Amy looks like pic* I'm standing in front of the mirror. I look beautiful. Stunning in fact. I twirled. I debated wearing regular clothes, or formal. I decided to go in-between. It's not to laid back, but it's not to fancy. I sighed. I wish I knew where Shadow was taking me. I picked up my brush and started brushing my quills. I look at the clock. 6:50 p.m. Sally and Cream are working so I can go on a date. I thought Shadow would be early. Oh well. *flash* I turn around. Shadow!

Shadow's P.O.V.

I chaos controlled into Amy's room. She looked startled. I smiled shyly. She looked so beautiful, like a beautiful white and red rose. "Hello Rose." I said shyly. "Hello Shad." Amy replied coolly. "Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded taking my hand. I pulled her close to me. "Chaos control!" I exclaimed and we telaported to the park. "What a rush!" Amy exclaimed. "Are you alright Rose?" I asked concerned. "Yes, I'm quite alright." she answered. I smiled. "C'mon." I said grabbing her hand and taking her to a place unknown to her or anyone else but me. "Close your eyes." I said as we got to the top of a hill. She rolled her eyes and obeyed. "Keep 'em closed." I instructed. She simply nodded. I lead her to the bottom of the hill and lifted up the grass. I opened the secret entrance to my secret cave. I led her inside. I had already made a picnic. Everything was ready.

The picnic blanket is on the ground, the single lit candle is in the middle, the plates are ready with the utensils and glasses with it. The food and sparkling cider is still in the basket. "Okay, open!" I exclaimed.

Amy's P.O.V.

I followed Shadow into this secret place not opening my eyes as instructed. Shadow exclaimed, "Okay, open!" I opened my eyes and gasped. It's so beautiful. A single candle lit picnic dinner. How romantic. "Oh Shadow! It's so romantic! You're so sweet!" I exclaimed blushing lightly. "Yeah, well, no big deal." Shadow answered shyly. I looked over at him and saw him blushing madly. I giggled and kissed his cheek which only made him blush harder if that's even possible. "Should we dine?" I asked. Shadow nodded. I sat down on one end as he sat down on the other. He started unpacking the food and drinks.

"You want some stake?" he asked. I nodded. He gave me some stake. I got sparkling apple cider, homemade strawberry pie, green grapes, an apple, and a red velvet cupcake with vanilla frosting. I ate and Shadow ate the same things I did.

After we ate Shadow asked, "Want to go for a walk?" I nodded. He took my hand and we walked outside on the sidewalk near the water. It's a full moon tonight on this Saturday evening. May 20. I love spring! The moon reflected off of the lake. The stars look amazing. We stopped in the middle of the bridge and looked out at the lake, Shadow's arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. After a while we looked at each other.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I looked at Amy. Her face glowed like an angle with the moonlight reflecting off of the lake on her face. The moment was perfect as we leaned in, closing our eyes, our lips meeting. It started off soft then hungry. We broke away after several minutes gasping for breath. I smiled at her and she smiled at me. I grabbed her hand and walked her home. "I had fun tonight Rose." I said. "As did I Shad. I hope we can do this again soon." Amy said dreamily. "Defiantly." I said and kissed her passionately. "Good night my Rose." I said. "Goodnight my dark night." Amy replied closing the door. She closed the door and started walking home. I soon wished I just chaos controlled home.

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