Are You Telling the Truth?

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Shadow's P.O.V.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-so so-so-so-sorry Sh-Sh-Shadow. H-How c-can y-you ever forgive me?" Amy said in tears. I grab Amy in a hug holding her close to me. "Oh, my sweet, sweet Rose. I already have." I said sweetly. "How? How could you eer forgive me so fast when I have wronged you so badly? I didn't believe you. I..." Amy tried to go on but was cut off by having my lips crushed to hers. I broke the kiss. "Rose, if I didn't know better and it was the other way around I would have believed it. Everybody makes mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Not even me, The Ultimate Life Form." I said soothingly. She hugged me tight. "I love you Shadow the hedgehog." she whispers in my chest. "And I love you my sweet Rose." I whisper in her ear. We kiss. "Well, I've got to set up shop and get ready for work." Amy announced. "Ok. I'll have to wait 'till later to have you all to myself." I say mischievously. She smiles. "Bye." she says. "Bye." I answer.

Amy's P.O.V.

I unlock the door and walk inside baffled by my new discovery. I look at my clothes. I have on a plain red tank top with a white hem, red pants with a white hem, my old red and white boots that I wore last time I was here. I didn't have any accesories except for my watch and purity ring. I got my apron on and got everything ready. Ten minutes after I was done Maria, Cream, and Sally rolled in. They all wore they're regular outfits. "Hey ladies." I said. "Hey Amy!" they all replied grabbing they're aprons. Maria and I are the only ones with our quills in a high ponytail. Maria and Sally grabbed hair nets and walked in the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile. Today's the best day ever! Little did I know it was going to get worse.

(Sorry for the cliffhangers guys! It just makes it more intresting, don't ya think?)

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