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Amy's P.O.V.

We grabbed all of Henry's stuff from his old room and we took it to our new gigantic house. It's a red mansion. It has ten bedrooms, fifteen bathrooms, three kitchens, five dining rooms, two ballrooms, thirteen living rooms, two servants quarters, and twenty play rooms.

I take Henry to his room after we get everything ready. His eyes sparkle and he grins ear to ear. He rushes to his bed and jumps on it. "A water bed! Yay!" Henry exclaims. I giggle. "*yawn* What time is it Auntie?" Henry asks tiredly. I look at my white watch. '8:00 p.m.' "Past your bed time mister. Get to bed. See you in the morning." I say as he crawls in bed and falls fast asleep. I turn off the light and close the door softly.

Arms wrap around my waist. "Hello Rose." Shadow whispers in my ear holding me. I turn around. "Hello my Dark Knight." I answer and then give him a peck on the lips. He picks me up bridal style and we go to our red room. He sets me down on the bed and crawls in beside me.

"So, when do you want to go on our honeymoon?" Shadow whispers in my ear. "Honeymoon?" I ask surprised. I forgot about our honeymoon. "Yeah, honeymoon. You know, when two people get married and they take a vacation." Shadow exclaims. "I know what a honeymoon is. I just forgot about it. Sally will be more than happy to take care of Henry so we can go whenever we're ready." I answer laying in his chest and closing my eyes. "We'll get packed tomorrow." Shadow whispered in my ear before I drifted into unconsciousness.

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