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Shadow's P.O.V.

"Everybody understand?" I ask. Everyone nods. We all know they're going to be at Eggman's base which we know where it's located. Tails and Cream are going to stay in the X-Tornado and watch from there and intercom us. The rest of us are going to sneak in and search in the air vents for Henry. We're going in pairs. Knuckles and Rouge, Sonic and Maria, and Amy and I. Knuckles and Rouge are taking the lower floors, Sonic and Maria are taking the middke ones, and Amy and I are taking the top floors. We nod and head out.

Sally's P.O.V.

I'm in my chambers sad and depressed. If I could cry I'd be weeping. I hate being robotatized. Daren made it so I was myself when they wanted me to be and a robot when they wanted me to be. I'm so angry and would rip their heads off but I can't. I don't have any free will as a robot unless I'm not under orders. I sigh in frustration. My room is blue. I feel like they're mocking me. Rubbing it in my face that I don't have him. I sigh sadly and bury my face into my hands. 'Sally! Retrieve Henry from his chambers and bring him in room 4a. We've got work to do.' Daren orders over the intercom.

I sigh and go to Henry's room. I open the door and find him sleeping. I gently pick him up careful not to wake him. I carry him to the room he was in earlier. Sleep well while you can Henry. Your days are numbered.

Henry's P.O.V.

I wake up and I'm in Sally arms bridal style and in the big scary room I was in earlier. I started shaking in fear and buried my face into Sally's chest. Sge held my properly now like you would a child and stroked my quills calming me down. "Don't worry Henry, I'm sure they're on their way to save you now." Sally whispered in my ear. I nodded and stopped shaking and turned my head. "Hello Henry. Sally, set him down." Daren ordered from the shadows. Sally sighed and did as told. Daren stepped out from the shadows into the light. "Leave us Sally." Daren ordered and she reluctantly left.

"Henry, I won't hurt you. I just want to play." Daren said stooping down to my level. "P-play?" I asked. Daren grinned. "Yes, play. Any game you want. That's all I desire." Daren said in a soothing tone. I hesitated. "Al-alright. I'll p-play a g-game w-with you." I stuttered. Daren grinned ear to ear. "Which game?" he asks. "Tag." I answer quickly. Tag's my favorite game. "Alright." Daren answers and he pushes the button to the intercome. "Scourge, Eggman, Mephiles, Sally! Come to room 4a asap!" Daren orders and takes his finger off the button.

Scourge's P.O.V

I groan and do as our boss told us to. I got their and asked, "What do you want us to do boss?" Daren smiled as the other three pawns entered the room. "We're going to play tag with Henry." Daren answered gesturing to a little hedgehog. I give him my 'are you crazy look'. "What's going on boss?" I whisper in his ear. "All part of the plan Scourge. All part of the plan." he answers. He grins evily and we start playing and Daren's it first. He tags Sally who tags me who tags Henry who tags Mephiles who tags Eggman who can't even tag Henry. After twenty minutes of Eggman being it we stop playing because Henry looks exhasted. Henry's eyes drop and he curls up on the floor and falls asleep. "Sally, take Henry to bed. The rest of us, we've got work to do." Daren says wickedly.

(A/N) Oh my gosh!!! I looked at my story and saw it has 1.02K reads on it. I haven't stopped smiling. I didn't know it would even get that many while I was still writing it. You guys are just the best and you guys just make it a lot more fun to write this. Thanks for all the support. I saw my Granpa and Grandma and their kids today. We walked on the Golden Gate Bridge and went on the Pier. When we got back to the hotel I wrote this. We're heading to Carmel tomorrow and I don't know when I'll have a chance to update again so hang in there! Comment, Vote! All are super helpful to my creative juices!

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