False Betrayal

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Amy's P.O.V.

I heard the video. I didn't believe it. I wouldn't. It hurt too much. I blinked back my tears. I shook my head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noooooooooo!" I yelled holding my head falling to the ground crying. Sonic bent down rubbing my back trying to give me comfort. Shadow ran out. "What did you do to her Faker!" Shadow yelled running to my side. I moved away at his touch. "It's not what I did. It's what you did." Sonic spat at him still rubbing my back. "Wha-What? What are you talking about I have-haven't done anything to hu-hurt her." Shadow stuttered. He sounded really suspicious to me. "Then why are you stuttering?" Sonic smirked. "I-I'm not! Back off of Amy and tell me what you did to her!" Shadow yelled at him. "Stop!" I yelled. They fell quite at once. "Sonic, hand me the phone." I ordered. He obeyed. "Explain this!" I yelled and played the voice message. 'Maria, I've missed you a lot, I really have. I still love you.' 'I'm here now and we can be together again.' 'The love I have for you is a girlfriend, nothing else.' The message stopped and I was in tears again. Shadow's eyes widened.

"Rose, listen to me. Don't believe a word you heard." Shadow started but I interupted him. "Why should I?! This is proof is it not?" I asked. "It isn't. That's part of the conversation I had when I saw Maria." Shadow said. "You still said you love her!" I snapped. "As a sister. It's true. I used to love her. Long ago.I don't anymore though. My heart belongs to you and no one else in the whole entire universe, in all of space my heart only yearns for you. You've got to believe me." Shadow begged. "No, I don't, and I won't." I answered. "Come on Amy. Let's go." Sonic said trying to lead her away. "No Sonic! You're still just as bad as he is. Both of you stay away from me!" I warned backing away from them inside. "But Rose-" Shadow started. "Saraynada Shadow the hedgehog." I said walking inside. I took a fast peek at Shadow to see him crying. I took a deep breath and went behind the coner crying silently. "Ms Amy?" Cream started. I just held up my hand. "Cream, please, just don't." I said sadly. Cream nodded. Today has been one of the worst day ever. And it's only about to get worse.

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