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Amy's P.O.V.

I was histarical! I just lost my nephew Henry! My favorite nephew ever! Even my brother and half-sister are more calm than me and they're the parents! "Rose, just take a deep breath. We'll get him. We'll rescue him. Don't worry." Shadow told me calmly. "How can I not?! Henry's gone! Henry's gone." I say quietly. I burst into tears again. Shadow rubbed my back. I fell asleep due to me crying so hard.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Poor Rose. She's been crying like crazy. She just fell asleep. Sonic's in another room and has also been crying and fell asleep because he cried so much. He's been crying 'cause he lost Sally. He really does love her. I walked to Tails in Sonic's room.

"Is he okay?" I whisper. Tails sighs. "He's heartbroken. It'll be a long time before he's even close to okay. The only thing that can cheer him up now is Sally." Tails whispered glumly. "Rose isn't doing any better. She loves Henry a lot and since he's gone, well, she's, so, broken. She refuses to believe everything's gonna be alright." I whisper sadly. I hang my head and Tails does the same. "We need to save 'em. Get everyone rounded for a meeting. We'll think of a plan." I say in a determined, quiet, voice. Tails nods and exits the room and I go back to Amy's room.

"Sleep well my love." I whisper in her ear.

Amy's P.O.V.

I see Daren and Henry. "Auntie?" Henry asks innocently. "Say goodbye to your precious Henry forever!" Daren says and pulls out a gun and holds it to his head. "Nooooo!" I scream running to him. The more I run, the farther away they get. I hear a gun shot and a thump. I fall to my knees an know Henry's dead, and he's not coming back.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Amy wakes up screaming and crying. I hug her as she cries into my chest. "Oh Shadow, we have to help them. We have to save Henry before it's too late." Amy says. I nod and take her to the meeting room. We sit down and begin.

Henry's P.O.V.

I'm in a metal chipmunk's arms. She looks as though she wants to cry an would, but can't. She keeps on whispering, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," over and over again. I hug her and she looks at me. "It's okay. I forgive you." I tell her. She nods and turns her head forward again. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Sally." she syas not moving her head. "I'm Henry." I introduce. "I know. You're Amy's nephew." she answers. "Amy's my aunt." I tell her. She smiles and faces me. "I know." she says then turns her head forward and her face goes emotionless. We arrive to a gate and she sets me down. I grab her metal hand an we walk in to a huge room. I squeeze her hand out of fear and cling on to her for protection. I look to her face and she looks very sad. I hug her leg. A black bunny with white tips and dark blue eyes appears from the darkness. He sends chills down my spine and I cling on tighter to Sally.

"Why hello little Henry. I'm Daren. I won't hurt you. Come here." he orders and I cling on tighter afriad of him. "Sally, bring him to me." Daren orders. I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. "I'm sorry." she says. I nod knowing what she does is out of her control. She said so at the wedding and Auntie believed her and trusted her and I will do the same. She picks me up and hands me to Daren. I squirm in his hands. He has white gloves on but I can still feel the coldness in his hands on my warm body. He has red and blue shoes like Tail's shoes. He has a white shirt that goes to his elbows and black sweats on.

"Now, is this so bad?" Daren asks me. "Yes. Your hands are freezing!" I exclaim wiggling to get free from his cold grasp. He frowns and sets me down. "Sally, take him to his chambers." he orders. Sally nods and picks me up and carries me to a yellow and orange room and sets me down. She walks out without a word and I go on the white bed and fall into deep sleep.

(A/N) Hey everyone! I just arrived at San Frisisco, Cailifornia. Before I go to bed I wanted to update this. Sorry if it sucks, I'm dog tired from the flight! 'Night everybody!

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