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Amy's P.O.V.

"Sha-Shadow?" I asked. He grunted. Everyone stared at him for a while. "Do I have something on my face?" Shadow asked. Everyone stopped staring and picked up their conversations where they left off. Shadow walked to the counter. "What can I get for you Shadow?" I asked casually. "I think Maria wanted a....... oh yeah! She wanted a red velvet cupcake." Shadow ordered. I gulped down and wrote the order. He has a girlfriend? Could my life get any worse?! I put up the order. "How long have you been in town Shadow?" I asked keeping my voice even from showing any hurt emotion. "Just got here." Shadow replied. "How long have you been with Maria? And since when was she a hedgehog?" I asked. "First answer we're not together. Second answer how'd you know?" he asked. I laughed. "It's obvious. No one would let a human here. Duh!" I said laughing. I sighed with relief quietly. He doesn't have a girlfriend yet! I still have a chance. I grabbed a velvet cupcake and put it in a small box and handed it to Shadow. "Here ya go!" I said handing Shadow the box. Ours hands touched and I blushed. I looked away. Unfortunately Sonic saw the whole scene and barged in.

"Stay away from Amy Shadow! She's my girl. Sonic said swinging at Shadow and missing. "Sonic the hedgehog! I'm not your girl and I can date whomever I please and you can suck it up! You are banned from here and if I catch you in here again I'll call the cops. Got it?!" I asked sternly. He nodded and bowed his head and lowered his ears. I took a deep breath. "Wow. Rose, I've never seen you so mad." Shadow said. I blushed. "I just hate it when guys think they own me." I said. "So I'll pick you up at seven tonight?" Shadow asked. "What?" I asked. "You said you had the freedom to date whomever you wanted. Should I pick you up at seven?" he asked again. I was blushing madly. "Shadow are you asking me out on a date?" I asked. He blushed lightly. "Yes." he answered. "Then yes. I will go on a date with you." I answered. He smiled. "Good. Bye." Shadow said waving. "Bye." I said waving back.

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