Chapter One

286 11 15

Warnings: Some angst

Word Count: 2730

Author's Note: Happy first chapter of Tear in my Heart! We hope that you all enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. It's been a crazy few months getting this put together, but we adore every single chapter, so keep checking in for updates!

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July 2012 - Before the Regional at Best Tour

 Your finger hovered over the bright blue submit button that sat at the bottom of the webpage. You puffed your cheeks and slowly exhaled, trying to build up the small bit of courage that you needed to actually press it. It was only an application, there was no attached guarantee of a job. Or them even looking over your resume, for that matter.

You were about to bite the bullet and press it when you hesitated. What would Beau think when he found out you were going to be a manager for some small town band? The thought of his reaction was enough to make your stomach churn as echoes of things he had told you in the past rang in your ears.

Your fingers ran along the edge of the laptop, ready to close it and forget that you had ever considered this possibility. There would be plenty of other opportunities for you, ones that didn't involve people Beau wouldn't like - if that was even possible -, ones that didn't involve traveling all over the country, hell, even ones that didn't involve you managing people.

Then again, it was only an application. Being a band manager sounded more appealing than half the flyers Beau brought home from his own job, covered in promises of "good pay" and "flexible hours". You didn't need flexible hours and good pay, you needed excitement. Besides, what did Beau know about your capabilities? He wasn't here to stop you, was he?

Before you had a chance to reconsider, you opened your laptop back up and hit submit.

The rush that you felt in that moment was enough to become intoxicated, but you knew that it was a one in a million shot. Moving your hand, you closed your laptop and placed it in its normal location on the edge of the coffee table in front of you, hopping up off of the couch to go and make some dinner for yourself and Beau before he got off of work.

*     *     *

Three Days Later...

Music blasted near your head, as an indication from your phone that someone was trying to call you. Lifting your head from the pillow, you sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed as you reached forward to grab hold of your phone. Looking down to the screen, the number that appeared wasn't one that you were familiar with... and yet, you felt as though you should pick it up. Something about that number really stuck with you. Using your thumb, you accepted the call and brought the device up to your ear. "Hello?" You tried to answer with confidence, but slightly fell short.

"Is this Y/N?"

"This is she."

"Hi, my name is Tom Hammond and I'm a representative of Twenty One Pilots..." Your heart nearly stopped beating the moment that he mentioned the band. "...and we actually were going over your resume recently. We were hoping that you still had an interest in joining the boys as their band manager, because I'm calling to offer you a job."

It actually happened. Something actually went right for you.

"A job?" you repeated, hardly able to get the words out of your mouth. "You want to offer me a job?"

You didn't even care if you were making a fool of yourself in front of this representative. Your hands were shaking so bad from disbelief and excitement that you could feel your phone tapping incessantly against your ear.

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