Chapter Four

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Warnings: Discussions of physical violence, implications of abuse, Beau continues to be a jerk, angst

Word Count: 3049

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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November 2012 - Towards the End of the Regional at Best Tour

You pulled the hood of your sweatshirt up over your head as you walked out the back door of the venue. Beau had texted you a few minutes ago saying that he was trying to find parking and would be outside shortly. After finishing up helping out with sound equipment - which, once again, was mostly dealt with by a yelling Tyler - you headed out to collect your boyfriend.

"There she is!" you heard a familiar voice call. You turned towards the source of the noise to see Beau walking towards you, jean jacket and all.

"Beau!" you grinned. He picked up his pace, quickly closing the gap between the two of you.

He barely managed to get out an "I've missed you" before his lips were on yours, kissing you deeply. You wrapped your arms around him, stealing his body heat from being in a warm car all afternoon.

"How was the drive?" you asked.

"Not too bad. I would have driven much longer if it meant seeing you."

You pressed another quick peck to his lips before lacing your fingers together and leading him inside. As much as you wanted to stay and chat with him somewhere quiet, there were still a million things for you to do before the show began.

"Is this what it's always like?" Beau asked as you led him towards the stage. A few people had already come up to you and asked you questions.

"Yep, almost every night of the week."

Tyler was still on stage, sorting out a number of cords that were criss-crossed over the floor. He looked up when he heard you enter the room.

"Y/N," he grinned. "How are things?"

"Great," you returned his smile. "Tyler, this is my boyfriend: Beau. Beau, this is the other guy in the band: Tyler."

"And by 'other guy in the band', you mean lead singer, right?" Tyler laughed as he walked over to shake Beau's hand.

Beau returned the handshake, but used his other hand to wrap around you and pull you completely into his side. You wiggled your arm free so that you would actually be able to keep marking things off on your checklist.

"Nice to meet you," Beau said, giving Tyler an icy stare.

You watched Tyler's eyes shift to you for a moment, then return to Beau. His mouth curled up into an apprehensive half-smile.

"You too."

"We're doing wardrobe in twenty minutes, Ty. Be ready."

Beau's fingers dug a little tighter into your hip at the use of Tyler's nickname. You made a mental note to use his full name for the rest of the night.

"Hey, I think Josh was looking for you. He's out towards the front of the venue."

"Alright, thanks for letting me know Ty... ler. I'll go find him."

Tyler hopped back up on stage and you headed off to see what Josh needed. Beau kept an arm wrapped around your waist, even though it made it ten times more difficult for the two of you to navigate through the tables that were dotted around the room.

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