Chapter Eight

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Warnings: Emotional manipulation, angst, lovey dovey stuff

Word Count: 3073

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy this chapter!

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March 2015 - Tyler & Jenna's Wedding

You could still remember the look on Jenna's face when she FaceTimed you the night of the engagement. She had been talking a mile a minute, giving you every little detail from the color of socks Tyler was wearing to what he actually said when he asked her to marry him. By the end of the call, you had been deemed the first member of her bridal party.

Now you were here, watching the two of them dance under the spotlight in front of all their family and friends. Jenna looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress, although you had expected no different from someone like her. Both her and Tyler were beaming as they slowly moved around the floor, completely absorbed in one another.

Your mind began to wander about what it would feel like to be up there, dancing with somebody that you loved that much. A smile spread across your lips at the mere thought of it: his shining smile, those familiar arms around your waist, dotted with color, the curly peach hair.


"Do you want another drink?"

Josh's voice snapped you out of your daydream. He was leaned down next to you, one hand already wrapped around your nearly empty cup.

"Yes, please." You cleared your throat and shot a polite smile his way.

"Same thing?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Josh."

He nodded and wandered off between the tables. His bright hair made him easy to spot at the bar on the other side of the room, but you tore your eyes away and focused on the happy newlyweds. They were the focus today, not anybody else.

The music ended before Josh returned. Tyler gave Jenna another kiss, the smile on his face evident even from a distance. You had seen Tyler smile countless times before, but they were never quite the same as the smile he had when Jenna was around.

"Here you go," Josh said, setting your drink in front of you. You hadn't heard him return.


"Did I miss anything?"

"Just the end of the dance and the two of them being so in love it will make you sick," you grinned.

Tyler wrapped an arm around Jenna's waist and led her off the dance floor, whispering something into her ear to make her laugh. The exchange was enough to put a smile on your face too, but it didn't last long. Thoughts of Beau - who had been banned from coming to the wedding by Tyler himself - began to make their way into your mind. Had you two ever been that happy, even when you first started dating?

"Think they'll let everyone dance soon?" Josh asked. "I have some moves that I need to show off."

"You dance?" you asked, idly twirling your straw around your glass.

"On occasion, if I like the person I'm dancing with."

You raised your eyebrows at Josh, but he simply matched it with a smile. Before your conversation had a chance to go any further, two familiar figures appeared at your otherwise empty table.

"Don't look so bored," Jenna smiled.

"Not bored, just waiting," you grinned before standing up to hug her.

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